Rush Limbaugh Does not Get the Hunger Games Today Rush Limbaugh - TopicsExpress


Rush Limbaugh Does not Get the Hunger Games Today Rush Limbaugh did something on the air I have never seen him do before. He commented on something without doing research on it. What he says indicates that he had no show prep information about the Hunger Games beyond a statement of children killing children and that there are books and movies about the Hunger Games. Later in the show he took the time to google the author and commented on her liberal stance. He talked about her like she had a big scarlet L on her dress. Mr. Limbaugh never read the books or watched the movies yet he comments on them like he knows about them enough. Two female callers tried to tell him what the concept of the Hunger Games was about but he pretty much dismissed them and considered the Movie to be of the horror genre. The Hunger Games shares some of the same ideas as the book Animal Farm. Both of them have a corrupt leader that slowly takes over then establishes a totalitarian regime. The caste concept ripples through in showing the 13 districts as higher or lower depending on what they manufacture or produce and the lowest district being the poorest and hence the hungriest. The rich elite dance on the floor the working class holds up. They all have their things and entertainment as a result of the rest of the 12 districts producing just for district one. The government becomes so intrusive we see the hint of another concept not unlike George Orwell’s “Big Brother” in the novel 1984. All these books have a core set of ideas that seem to correlate. The idea is that if you allow the government to run unchecked and do not think for yourself you forfeit your freedom and become a small cog in a huge government machine that uses you for your life and does not hesitate to get rid of you if you are not no longer compliant or needed. These ideas are clearly against big government and the concept of apathetic and ignorant citizenry. Mr. Limbaugh has totally missed the mark and his ineptitude kept him from getting the point. Had he read the books and seen the movies, he would have been giving them accolades for exposing the end game of big government in society. At the end of the stories we see Katniss Everdeen killing, not the leader dying already but the one who wishes to become leader. Katniss was astute and saw, that the one wishing to be leader, was vying for the power seat with no compunction about keeping the government in the same structure it was already in. I hope that in time Mr. Limbaugh will get to read The Hunger Games trilogy and realize that his views on big government are congruent with the ideas in the story.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:32:53 +0000

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