Rush Limbaugh explained in his September 17, 2013 monologue, - TopicsExpress


Rush Limbaugh explained in his September 17, 2013 monologue, “Global Warming Scientists: We Were Wrong,” the connection of all the chess pieces in this global game are based on a climate hoax. He correctly identifies IPCC as the “repository for the hoax” and how the “University of East Anglia in Britain… and this guy at Penn State with his fake hockey stick graph, these guys all reported to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). All of these models that they constructed over the years predicted calamity by now, and the calamity never happened.” By 2005 we should have been destroyed by global warming. Oppenheimer said in 1985 that we had 20 years if we didn’t reduce greenhouse gases. We are still here. All these environmentalists and the IPCC use the global warming excuse to “justify increasing fossil fuel taxes and subsidies for ‘renewable energy.’” Even though IPCC scientists admit that their “computers may have exaggerated the effect of increased carbon emissions on world temperatures – and not taken enough notice of natural variability,” it did not stop National Geographic from dedicating its entire September 2013 issue to global warming. A Statue of Liberty submerged half way into the ocean is superimposed by the large title in capital letters, “RISING SEAS, Mapping a World without Ice.” Satellite photos of Arctic ice taken by NASA in August 26, 2012 and August 15, 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, even though environmental modelers warned us six years ago that the North Pole would have melted by now. Nobel Prize winner Al Gore had cited U.S. climate scientist Wieslaw Maslowski in his December 2007 acceptance speech, “Earth has a fever,” that the North Pole would be “ice-free by 2013.” He was wrong by 920,000 square miles. The polar ice cap is the largest since 2006. Al Gore’s “planetary emergency and the threat to the survival of our civilization,” a.k.a. global warming hoax, has turned into billions of dollars lucrative schemes for many global warming alarmists. The global warming crowd keeps crowing that we have the power to destroy the planet. Rush says, very wisely, “We don’t have any such power. We couldn’t do this if we wanted to.” Deniers like us are targeted for character assassination because we are interfering with the leftist effort to expand “the size and role of government” controlling the nanny state. A wise caller explains that the models used to claim global warming utilize cloud cover as the biggest variable in determining what temperatures are going to be. Cloud cover is very unpredictable, clouds form and dissipate so quickly, and it can swing the models one way or the other. The computer models are also based on very large grids and inadequate to make the global warming predictions claimed. When the data was fudged because it did not match existing models and the environmentalist agenda, a big scandal broke in Great Britain at the University of East Anglia. We are often denied access to documents, information, and data, we are supposed to trust these people because they are the only ones who can interpret the data, and we are too dumb to understand. We are not allowed to testify in Congress, and when we are, we are shouted down. Limbaugh continued, “The political movement funds these people [global warming scientists] with donations if they produce the right outcome in their research. This movement converted a bunch of just every day, ordinary meteorologists into huge proselytizers for it.” All it takes is 105 degrees Fahrenheit in July and people are claiming global warming. A local commercial ran for many years, featuring a very shady looking salesman who always ended his sales pitch with the words, “I wouldn’t lie to you!” That is how I see the manmade global warming claims manufactured by environmental alarmists whose interests of power and control are at stake. When we do diligent research and uncover the whole U.N. Agenda 21 cabal, we become right wing nut conspiracy theorists who wear tin foil hats to prevent Marxist progress from happening.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 14:01:39 +0000

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