SAMEM VERITER LA KAN FINE DIR ZOT DANS PARLMENT BANLA DIR FOU LI DEHORS. Discours de l’honorable Cehl Meeah en réponse au mini-amendement présenté au parlement le 7 juillet , 2014. Praises be to the Almighty to whom I am grateful. En ce mois beni du Ramadan, je suis appele a faire mon devoir de parlementaire pour prendre la parole sur ce texte de lois. Puisse la benediction du Tout Puissant s’etendre dans cette Auguste Assemblee. I thank you, Mr the Speaker Sir, for giving me the opportunity to address the House on the issue of the present bill. Mr the Speaker Sir, I am very pleased to take part in this debate in my capacity as Leader of the (FSM) Front Solidarite Mauricien and I would like all present here to address me as such. I remind the House that I have been elected to be member of this House under the banner of the (FSM) Front Solidarite Mauricien. Looking across the House one can see many prominent members of the Government who previously were senior members of other political parties. Mr the Speaker Sir, with due respect, I will not allow myself to remind them of their past but instead I will call them Honourable members of the Government as I consider it unreasonable and unfair to remind them of their past. Venons maintenant au mini amendement. Je suis convaincu qu’il a été fait premièrement pour satisfaire les exigences de UNHRC. The Proposed amendment, as it was initially called ‘mini amendment’ , is in fact ‘un mini’ one for such a country with big issues. Pour moi, c’est une ‘farce’ because it treats with contempt the population of Mauritius and it’s just a face saving device towards the UN and the International scene. Je suis peiné, monsieur le President de voir qu’on s’est permis de parler de nos obligations envers les Nations Unies et le PM a meme mentioné si nous ne nous inclinons pas, nous n’aurons plus de financement. Et moi au nom de Dieu, j’élève ma voix pour dire que c’est faux. UNHRC n’a jamais imposé à notre Ile Maurice démocratique de telles exigences comme l’a indiqué le PM. This is just an excuse to justify the ‘coze cozer’. C’est cette même Orgnisisation Internationale, l’ONU, qui agit a geometrie variable quand des bombes explosent les enfants innocents de la Palestine, et elle n’est même pas capable d’imposer son dictat vis-a-vis d’Israel. Faut-il encore parler du silence de l’ONU sur notre chagos ? Et l’envahissement de Crimea par la Russie et le génocide au Sri Lanka. What about the amendements of the UN making India a permanent member to which we agree with the Prime Minister to vote for. Sommes-nous plus royalistes que le roi? L’organisation des Nations Unies est mal placée pour nous faire la leçon et nous imposer des exigences. Alors pourquoi donc s’incliner devant ses exigences au détriment des minorités composant la nation mauricienne. As far as what I have gathered as information concerning the observation of the committee of UNHRC, there has never been any exigence on the Mauritian state. May I quote, Mr. the SP Sir, in the report that I have with me (Human Rights Committee communication no. 1744/2007, clause no. 15.5 “...However, the Committee notes that community affiliation has not been the subject of a census since 1972. The Committee therefore finds, taking into account the State party’s failure to provide an adequate justification in this regard and without expressing a view as to the appropriate form the State party’s or any other electoral system, that the continued maintenance of the requirement of mandatory classification of a candidate for general elections without the correponding updated figures of the community affiliation of the population in general would appear to be arbitrary and therefore violates article 25(b) of the Covenant.” In their observation, Mr. the SP Sir, the Committee of UNHRC is providing Rezistance ek Alternatif with an effective remedy urging Governement to update the census of 1972 “update figures of the community affiliation of the population in general”. Now Mr. the SP Sir, we know what happened after. The PM and his good friend, the leader of the opposition immediately refused to carry out a new census on the excuse that it is “Retrograde et Communale”. And as my friend the Honourable Xavier Duval said (welcome) 99.9% of the Mauritian population have accepted voluntarily to insert their religion in a recent census (CSO 2011/2012). Yes, there is no shame in it. No one can deny, most democratic countries including US and UK regularly carry out census. I hope that the Honourable PM and his good friend the Leader of the Opposition do not claim to know better. Let me refer the House to the New Zealand’s census of 2013 where practically all major religions likes Jewish, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu and No Religion have been mentioned. But in our democratic system, they are free to say whatever they want, we appreciate and they also they should appreciate what we have to say and this is what we are saying: 1) Both the Hon. PM and the LOOP vous êtes coupables d’avoir carefully planned and orchestrated un vrai complot visant à abolir le BLS and to remove the only democratic constitutional safeguard of the minorities rights. 2) More importantly the public perception is that the Hon. LOOP dream to become a full term 5 years Prime Minister, to which the majority community responded negatively. This present amendment does not cure for the balance of communities in the parliament. It is all silent as to how the minorities rights, which constitutionally is 50% of the population, are safeguarded. We know the statistics of 2012 has resulted in a clear chart that those who are concerned with the BLS is 50% of the population and is no longer 44% as it was the case in the 1972 census. It is now urgent and necessary that the Electoral Supervisory Commission and the state do a new count down to determine the best losers as this is our constitutional rights. WE, IN THE FSM, FIRMLY BELIEVE_ _ _50% IS THE NAKED AND BITTER TRUTH WHICH IS NOT BEING DISCLOSED TO THE POPULATION. NOUS, AU FSM, NOUS SOMMES CONVAINCUS DE CETTE PURE VERITE_ _ _CEUX CONCERNES PAR LE BLS REPRESENTE DEJA 50% DE LA POPULATION. QUELLE EST CETTE RAISON OBSCURE QUI NOUS EMPECHE DE DIVULGER CETTE INFORMATION DANS CETTE AUGUSTE ASSEMBLEE DANS L’INTERET NATIONAL ? EST-CE QUE CE N’EST PAS DE LA MALHONETTETE INTELLECTUELLE? We cannot, and indeed it is unlawful and unconstitutional, to refer to the 1972 census as there has been a shift in the composition of our population and this has to be respected. The idea behind the best loser system was to protect minorities, it was not ideal, but it provided peace and stability, proven for 46 years. I remind the House that the state party in its arguments before the UNHRC stated (I quote): “The BLS was originally devised with a view to providing a balanced communal or ethnic representation in parliament”. Arguable, for sure, what is being proposed in this present bill will not provide a balanced communal or ethnic representation. Mons. Le President, je dois faire ressortir ici que l’argument présenté par l’Etat devant l’instance du comité des Droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies speaks for itself, that is it the argument clearly dénonce ceux qui présument que le BEST LOSER SYSTEM est communale et retrograde. Ces gens là commettent une grave erreur et dirigent la nation vers une crise infernale. With this amendment, are we sure that we are mature enough to dispose of the BLS completely? I will allow the answer to come from the most genuine person, His Excellency, Sir Victor Glover, chosen by our Hon. PM to chair the dream team entrusted to present this bill. This is what his Excellency said: “J’aurai voulu que deux experts constitutionels VET ce fameux bill avant sa présentation”. We have the following questions: - Est-ce que le poste de Premier Ministre est réservé seulement à une communauté ou une caste ou est-il ouvert à toutes les composantes de la nation mauricienne? - Y a-t-il une réprésentation proportionelle qui fait la balance du pouvoir représentant toutes les composantes de la nation mauricienne en ce qu’il s’agit des top 10 postes constitutionels ? - Est-ce que les lobbies socio-culturels n’influencent plus le Premier Ministre et les ministres ou se sont-ils retiré de la scène ? - Y-a-t-il une juste réprésentation proportionelle au sein du service civil ? - Verrons-nous le jour où un commissaire de police emanerait des 50% concernés par le BLS ? - Est-ce que tous les Mauriciens sont considerés égaux ou certains sont plus égaux que d’autres ? - Est-ce que ceux qui ont contribué à alimenter pendant ces longues années cette perversion politique et sociale, peuvent aujourd’hui venir présenter ce bill visant à consolider l’unité nationale ? We can cheat and deceive the whole population and the whole world but we won’t be able to deceive God as He knows the contents of our hearts et l’empressement de cette démarche. Why should we leave aside our electorate, our people, who made enormous sacrifice and fought to elect us to this August Assembly. I join my friend Honourable Xavier in his profound appeal to give time to the Mauritian Nation to contemplate what we are proposing. Why should we rush? I still remember what happened in 2010 Mr. the SP Sir, the reform we are asked to vote upon today was part of a wider report called the “electoral reform”. During the preparation of the fameux “electoral reform”, we’ve heard about the ‘coze cozer’ between the leader of the opposition and the Prime Minister. We also heard from the mouth of the leader of the opposition and heard it on several occassions about a forthcoming alliance between the MMM and the Labour Party. This is the dream that the leader of the opposition has been selling at his own expense since parliament was last convened. Should I not remind and recall the concerned, Mr. the SP Sir of the nightmare he endured in 2010 when he was a looking for an alliance with the labour party and had already prepared “Robe de Marriage” as honourable Duval confirmed in 2010, to go and wed with the labour party. Mr. the SP Sir, we know what happened after that. The groom took another bride and he was left on the pavement outside the wedding hall. He did not even obtain a bite of the wedding cake. With this shameful mini amendment, Mr. the SP Sir, are we going to see the same saga today? And are we going to witness the groom taking another bride and he will be left again on the pavement. But ! in 2010, it was a nightmare and in 2014, it will not be a nightmare, because the folly of the bride will be a political suicide. I pray that God makes him understand that the stakeholders are already around, so look well before you leap. Mr. le President, deuxièment, notre constitution a été faite dans une conjoncture bien particulière, peut-être beaucoup d’entre nous ont oublié mais devant ce projet de loi, le rappel est d’importance vital. On devait satisfaire deux conditions pour qu’on puisse arracher notre indépendence du pouvoir coloniale britannique. 1) L’excision de Diego Garcia. 2) L’introduction du BLS pour guarantir une représenation équitable de toutes les composantes de la population au sein du parlement mauricien. Ici je rends hommage à Sir Abdool Rajak Mohamed pour son clairvoyance. Je me rapelle encore ce MMM avec l’approbation de l’ancien président Cassam Uteem, organisaient les funerailles de SAR alors qu’il était encore en vie. Qui pourra oublier cette événement pénible? Sir Abdool , Mr. le president luttait avec ferveur pour le Best Loser system pour guarantir les droits des minorités et pas seulement pour les musulmans, mais toutes les minorités. Sir Abdool Mr. the president, vous le connaissez très bien, agissait sous la guidance du très vénéré et son excellence Mawlana Abdool Aleem Siddiqui r.a. C’est tous ces sacrifices qu’on essaye d’enlever aujourdhui. L’electorat va sans doute juger et réagir. Les ILOIS sont toujours en train de souffrir. Ils sont les eternelles sacrifies de l’independance de Maurice. Est-ce qu’on nous propose une meilleure solution à la place du Best Loser? La réponse est NON. Le system du Best Loser actuel a bien fonctionné pendant 46 ans. Aujourd’hui personne ne sait le mecanisme qui sera utilise comme l’ont fait ressortir l’Hon. Pravind Jugnauth et l’Hon. Xavier Duval. L’histoire retiendra Mons. Le President que ni Cehl Meeah, ni Pravind Jugnauth, ni Xavier Duval, trois leaders elus democratiquement dans la maison du peuple, n’ont été sollicites pour donner leurs contributions a la redaction de ce texte de loi qu’on veuille nous faire voter aujourd’hui. L’intelligence n’est pas la chasse garder ou le monopole de certain. Si nous etions la, beaucoup de ces confusions et anomalies n’auraient pas existes dans le document qui est devant la chambre aujoud’hui. A ce moment uniquement il y aurait eu consensus et le Premier Ministre aurait eu la majorite qu’il souhaite pour cette amendment. Historically speaking, our Mauritian society has been constructed and structured in such a way that you cannot bring piece-meal solution to remedy the situation. It can have the reverse effect and it can be more dangerous. The PM knows better, he came to realise the complexity of the Mauritian society during the preparation of the “Fameux Reforme”. And we have also inherited the British way of solving problems i.e. through lobbying together with all its side effects. Now may I ask the assembly; can we minimize the role of the Catholic Church? The Jummah Mosque and the Sanatan Dharma temple federation? Est-ce que vous oubliez les symbols forts tells que Grand Bassin, Pere Laval et Eidgah? Et le pelerinage au Vatican en Italie, le Hajj en Arabie et la visite au Saibaba en Inde. Croyez vous que c’est seulement pour le décor? What about the influence of India, China, Western countries, Arab nations in Mauritian Politics? The blame cannot be on politicians only or the constituion; though we all surf on the communal route during an electoral campaign because of the existing electoral boundaries of our electoral system. Mr Speaker sir, all of us in this house heard the PM stating during this speech that the matter could be referred to the privy council. But let me make it clear to the House that under the separation of powers, the Judiciary, the Privy council cannot interfere with the legistative of a sovereign country. So why should we mislead the population ? Mr The Speaker Sir, there is no blame to be a Mauritian but still we can be proud to be a Hindu like Ram…Goolam, a Creole like Aurore Perraud, a tamil like my good friend Deven Nagalingum, a sino-mauritian like Michael Sik Yen or a muslim like myself, Dr Beebeejaun, Dr Kasenally, Abdullah Hossen…So what’s wrong ? Should we be lined up and get fired because of our origins? Certainly NOT… What is at stake is the right of minorities…It is a pity that today the MMM a trahi la lutte des minorités sur l’autel d’un accord politique. Chacun devra assumer ses responsabilités devant la population et l’histoire. Apres l’ajournement des travaux vendredi, je me suis rendu à Roche-Bois à la demande de mes mandants. Vous n’allez pas imaginer Mons. Le President leur colère qu’ils m’ont dit en ces termes : « Hey bye Cehl !! Pena ene Creole lor front bench. Gouvernement la ine vire ledos are nous » Tous le monde sait aussi que la communauté musulmane paiera un lourd prix pour ces amendements…Déjà en ce temps de jeune où le musulman a l’obligation de se concentrer dans la prière pour prier pour eux et pour le pays, il obtient un grand coup de poignard dans son dos avec l’abolition d’une guarantie constitutionnelle de sa représentation dans la Maison du Peuple. La communauté sino-mauricienne sait aussi qu’elle va subir un genocide politique. Les droits des minorités constituent un cadre juridique pour veiller à ce qu’un groupe specifique qui est dans une position vulnerable, défavorisée ou marginalisée dans la société est en mesure de parvenir à l’égalite et est protegé contre la persecution. Les normes ultérieures des droits de l’homme qui codifient les droits des minorités incluent les conventions suivantes : - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( Article 27) - The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic minorities. Two council of Europe treaties; The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and the Copenhagen Document of 1990. Afin de protéger les droits des minorités, de nombreux pays ont des lois spécifiques ou des commissions ou des établissements de mediateur (ombudsman) comme par exemple The Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for National and Ethnic Minority rights. The laws provide clearly that we are infringing on article 1 of our constitution and it clearly invites a referendum by the people for the people. Let us hear what they have to say about it and a challenge before a court of law will clearly give rise to a judgement condemning this law as being unconstitutional. I wish to quote what John Kennedy said: “Let us not seek the democratic or republican answer but the right answer”. This is line with what Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan: “With faith, discipline and self-less devotion to duty there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieved”. And more appropriate to our present circumstance, I also quote Mahatma Gandhi on minorities: “even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth”. Let us not play with the lives of half of the population with their rights, their constitutional freedom and guarantees by a mini-shameful amendment. The Government is playing a shameful game with the complicity in fraud of the MMM. And the world is watching us today as we are an example of good living together. But now this is a farce as we are deceived. So I have no alternative but to raise my hand to the Almighty God and pray, as from day one here, So help us God against the manipulators. La fin: Je camperai sur mes positions. Je voterai contre ce mini-amendement car la voix des minorités n’est pas réprésentée. Il est trop facile de ‘vote under protest’ comme le font certains de mes honorables amis ici-présents. ‘Vote under protest’ malheureusement n’apporte aucune contribution sigficative et surtout n’apporte aucune solution dans cet outrage des droits des minorités. Présentez moi un bill concret où cette miniroté que je rappelle est de plus de 50%, s’y retrouve, et je serai le premier à voter en faveur. Pour préserver cette cohésion de la société mauricienne, I cannot support this undemocratic decision.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 19:44:43 +0000

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