*SANANDA* January 2, 2015 ~ Friday Peg (Aurial) - TopicsExpress


*SANANDA* January 2, 2015 ~ Friday Peg (Aurial) Thompson I am here to tell you, you are NOT being deserted! You are being given your WINGS TO FLY! You have been given all of the tools and all of the information that you need to complete your Ascension. You do not need to look any further than within to know what it is to do, or how to do it. And so it is… Hello, this is Sananda, wishing you a most joyous and wonderful new year! Having waited so long for anything “tangible” to happen has placed many in our spiritual community into a place of “When I see it, I will believe it…” Without a doubt there isn’t one that hasn’t had even a fleeting moment of that doubt or thought. There is no judgment for such a thought, you are after all a very special group of individuals making up this human race that in some respects is still in its infancy even though the majority of you are “old souls” who asked to be here at this time to witness the miracle(s) that even now are there to behold – you only need remember how to “see.” If you are watching and reading the messages that even now flood the Internet, you will start to see a common theme. And that is that you have been given all of the tools and all of the information that you need to complete your ascension. You do not need to look any further than within to know what it is to do, or how to do it. And so it is… For those of you who love Zorra and his Beloved, who have followed the Hollow Earth Network as well as Peter and Many of One it might feel as though you are being deserted by those so full of strength, love and yes, information. But I am here to tell you, you are NOT being deserted! You are being given your WINGS TO FLY! We are not taking away, we are giving the greatest gift of love possible, the gentle nudge that will open the door to your KNOWING without any doubts that you are truly beings of light. You will begin to recognize that small “voice” within your head; you will know instinctively that you are truly speaking with your guides, your angels and your Ascended Masters. We are always at your side. You will not turn away mentally, thinking that it is only your imagination; you will know that you have taken yet another step closer to YOUR truth because that is all that you need. Your intuition/discernment will become so evident that on some occasions it will seem as though we are shouting in your head to get your attention, and indeed on some days that is exactly what we do… The power that comes with absolute trust in one’s own self will be so strong as to be almost overwhelming! But you will have reached the place where you understand such strong emotions, and you will feel your entire being “vibrate” with the knowing that you have run the race and crossed the finish line. You! No one else but you my beloveds! Only you. And this is only the first step; there is so much more that it surpasses even the most vivid imagination. Even as Aurial types these words she trembles with the power of my words, and feels the urgency of bringing understanding to all of you who will read them. Some 14 years ago, we took away her ability to “see” any pictures within her mind’s eye. All that she had to rely on was the feeling or vibration of those of us that would speak with her or sit on her shoulder as she worked on her art. She had no choice but to learn to completely trust herself, to listen to her inner voice and to discern our voice from her own internal chatter. She fought the lesson for some time, not understanding the “why” of it… Now she understands, to trust herself implicitly gives her the gift of healing and of channeling, her discernment has grown by leaps and bounds and she has no doubts about when her instinct is warning her of things to come. In some respects you too are at that point where you feel as though the “pictures” have been taken away. It is not punishment; it is the gift of learning to trust who you are and what you are capable of! Gods and Goddesses all! I give you my love, and want each and every one of you to know how very proud we all are of your growth! This New Year will bring so very much to each of you, in your spiritual growth and trust in all that you are! Sananda disclosure-2012
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:31:41 +0000

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