SCHOOL OF BIBLE INFORMATION FOR ALL NATIONS (SOBIFAN) LESSON 10 (PART 10) DATE: 25th Jan. 2014 @ CHRISTIAN FAITH ENDTIME CHURCH National Youth Convention with the President “Mission Field Is Ripe For Harvest” AND ADDRESS PRESENTED TO THE YOUTHS BY THE PRESIDENT REV. DR. WILKEY O.OZOR TO YOUTH DURING THE NATIONAL YOUTH CONVENTION 12TH JULY 2013, AT NAZE CHURCH YOUTH CAMP May the God of the Christian Faith Endtime Church bless you all in Jesus name. I welcome you all in this first National Youth Convention. When I am present with the Lagos contingent, to see the strength of our youths. I recognize the presence of our Pastors, and my executive officers present in this occasion, and all our Elders who are youths at heart, you are all welcome. I take my scripture in this address from the: 1. Proverb 22:6, which says “Train up a child in the way he should go :and when he is old, he will not depart from it” 2. 2 timothy 3:14-15, as it is written “ But continue thou in the things which thou hast learnt and hast been assured knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scripture which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” We are your fathers in the Lord. You are not bastards; but sons of God; and sons of the Christian Faith Endtime Church; and my sons in the Lord because in the year 1984, Oct 4th – 7th, I laboured in obedience with my wife, who is your mommy Susanna Ozor, when the lord commanded us to go and build Him a ministry. That was at Amala in Ngoh Okpala, at that time, we were with Holiness Evangelical Church. And we went out to Umuisu Village and preached in four days crusade; and on Sunday, 7th Oct 1984, the Church of the Christian Faith prayer ministry was born, and continued till 19th Sept 2011, when we were incorporated with Federal Government of Nigeria as Christian Faith Endtime Church. This is our spiritual home where we are born into; one family; one God; one Lord; our hope and one faith running our race to our own Estate in Heaven where we shall all gather on the last day when our Lord Jesus shall appear. BUT THEN, BEFORE HE APPEARS; We have a vision to reach the whole world beginning with wherever we are, wherever we are is our mission field, mission in the sense that we have a work to do there. That is our World; we must conquer it with the weapon of the gospel. Yes, you can conquer your mission field. You have the energy, you have the anointing from the Holy Spirit, you have the advantage of education, you can communicate, you are computer age, internet is available, G.S.M is in your hand to preach with; the facebook and twitter, and other social networks. We, your fathers did not have such tools in our early days; but now our days are expiring. You are wonderful generation. A CALL FOR COMMITMENT I therefore ask you to use all the blessings you have as a youth to do whatever you can do now, you are young. For time shall come when if it is not done, shall be done no more. This is your time to be involved in the work of God. If not now, when? This is your time. There shall be no excuses. If you cannot be Evangelist like Timothy, you can be a pastor like Silas. You can be an usher; you can be a singer in the choir. You can lead prayer team, visitation, or missionary team. You cannot afford to be an unprofitable youth to end up an unprofitable parent. Because a youth today can be a parent tomorrow. What you are today, shall help you to be what you shall be tomorrow. I encourage you therefore to be diligent; hardworking, God fearing, loving; and humble. A Christian youth should cease the opportunity available now to target on what to be in future. If you have opportunity of going to university to study, don’t miss it, if you choose to learn trade or any skill such as Barbing, Mechanic, Business or any other skill; do not fail to make use of it. Now, you can go on mission or travel to other places or country where our Church is not; don’t hesitate to start one; get us connected and we shall extend to you any type of support you will need. Don’t forget to pay your tithes as you start doing something in future or now. The earlier you learn to invest in God’s work through your tithe payment, the better for your future riches with God. IN FUTURE 21/22 CENTURIES AHEAD I am thinking of how great you will be in this century and next. If Jesus does not come, sure you will be great, with all opportunities available for you in the ministry and in the world; you can rule your world in future. That is why we ask you to live Holy Life; fear God; run away from sin now you are young, so that when you grow you will not depart from it. Knowing that no greatness is achieved in sin; and if it happens, it does not last; but ends up in vanity. I don’t pray that you have greatness that lacks foundation in God. Now you are Christians, born again, trust God in all things. He will never disappoint you; don’t take example from sinners and sinful youths round about you. Rather, take example from Biblical youths like Joseph, David, Jesus, Paul, Silas and Timothy, men and women who trusted in God from youth to old age. They were youths like you, they succeeded, and you too shall succeed. The same God that guided them shall guide you, you will make it in life, you will also make Heaven at last in Jesus Name. I ask you to enjoy yourselves here in Naze as Christian Youths in the presence of the Lord. God bless you all. (Join us in the next SOBIFAN lecture for new information on your soul benefit and check next Live Quotes/Tweets)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:32:35 +0000

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