SCIENCE and RELIGION: Unlikely partners in the quest for - TopicsExpress


SCIENCE and RELIGION: Unlikely partners in the quest for God While the spiritual religions and sub-religions are involved in a divine war about whose perception of God is the only and real one, Science had (not so quietly) shunted itself out of the turmoil and seems very aloof in this quest for God while she is busy herself in a pursuit for truth by researching and discovering the physical world. The question I want to ask here is this: Can Science really distance itself and even mock spiritual religion because it believes in an unseen God, a Being whom nobody are seemingly able to provide verifiable proof for? I am going to put down a few thoughts here then we can decide whether Science partners spiritual religions on their quest for God, or not. The spiritual religions proclaim their different versions of God in the most magnificent cathedrals, churches, mosques, temples and other buildings, all superbly decorated and furnished by science. The Rabbis, Pastors, Imams, Priests, Bishops etc. all wear the finest ceremonial dresses in the execution of their duties, made by Science. The pulpit, hub of the church furniture in the Protestant tradition of Christianity and the Altar, hub of the church furniture in the Roman Catholic tradition, are proudly presented by Science. In Christianity the Holy Communion cannot be administered without the contribution of Science, which presents the Bread, Wine and Cup. All the spiritual scriptures including the Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Talmud, and, and, and… are printed, presented and distributed by Science. The list of the contributions made by Science to proclaim God is never-ending. In fact, there is nothing that can be touched and seen that is not supplied by science. This is not even mentioning the administration tools needed by these immense organizations, and their logistical solutions, all provided for by Science. So next time when religious people want to commit so-called non-religious people to hell and eternal damnation, think again. And next time when you as an advocate for Science wants to condemn those believing in an unseen God as being mad, think again. We are all partners in either a crime in the quest for God, or partners in discovering the secrets of the universe in a manner that lies beyond the physical, depending on how we approach the controversial subject of God.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 01:51:36 +0000

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