SD cultivates the organizational divine systems that are shining - TopicsExpress


SD cultivates the organizational divine systems that are shining lamps and gardens diffusing fragrances of holiness over all regions and their lights of knowledge are shed abroad over all created things- streaming spirit of life in every direction as potent sources of progress. The feature of this unique order is the holistic living organism that incarnates a pattern for future society with reign of righteousness and justice upon the earth. This is a swift departure from the western traditional conceptions of the nature with new vision of its global New World Order that correlates spiritual truths and social development as inspirational pursuits and fundamental pillars in laying the foundation of humanity’s future affairs enterprise in the creation of collective common human conscious of a world civilization- a spiritual enrichment and vitality of the entire fabric of society to advancing its civilization niches forward. This is to address the spiritual and moral decayed forces that are corroding the vitals of human beings and precipitating disillusionments and creating crisis and betrayals unprecedented through their infections and aggressive ideologies with gods of Nationalism, racialism, materialism and malignant series of their mutations and idols of their infatuations that are looming over the humanity. SD perspectives highlight a worldview that systematically include and elevate the spiritual level of human conscious as bases of transformational engine necessary for the process of true liberation and development at the scale of totality of the earth’s inhabitants. This is the spiritual empowerments of the diversified human races as protagonists of their own advancements in building a global society both individuality and collectively with enduring forces of moral certitude. SD edifice is the architectural harmonization of world-wide unity in diversity enterprises as expressions of oneness of the planet worthy of the 21st century with indomitable spirits propelling and converging to unleash tracks of lights in the intellectual and social capacities into beings of a new creation to revolutionize both conscious and behavior in a living and animate world of existence.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 19:37:53 +0000

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