SECOND-PERSON AUTO-SUGGESTIONS: The well-known technique of - TopicsExpress


SECOND-PERSON AUTO-SUGGESTIONS: The well-known technique of reciting positive statements to oneself is commonly referred to as ‘affirmations’. However, auto-suggestions differ from affirmations in one very important way. Affirmations are stated in the first-person. In contrast, auto-suggestions are stated in the second-person and you address yourself using your name as if you are addressing someone else. For instance, say your name is John Smith and you want to impress on your subjective mind that you are a strong person. Using affirmations you would usually say something like ‘I am a strong person’, whereas using an auto-suggestion you would say ‘John Smith, you are a person of great strength’. The Suggestor and Suggestee: The reason for using second-person auto-suggestions and not first-person affirmations when impressing your sub-conscious mind is because, being subjective, it receives suggestions and is also subject to direction. By saying ‘I am’ there is no suggestion being given to your sub-conscious mind, or in other words, there is no one directing it. Remember always that your objective mind gives the direction and is the ‘suggestor’, and your subjective mind receives the suggestion as the ‘suggestee’. This is in line with the directive masculine and receptive feminine principles of the Law of Gender. Using first-person affirmations to direct your sub-conscious mind is tantamount to trying to direct it without giving it direction, and this explains why most people who use first-person ‘I am’ affirmations usually gain little from them. Say you feel weak, if you tell yourself ‘I am strong’ then you are unlikely to believe it if you feel weak, but if you address yourself as if speaking to someone else and say with encouragement ‘[your name] you are a strong person’, then you sit up and listen. Stop reading now and try it out for yourself by using a first-person affirmation and a second-person suggestion for something you want to change within yourself. The difference will become very obvious. Excerpt from The Adventure of I | Tania Kotsos 2013 © The Adventure of I is NOW AVAILABLE in PAPERBACK via Amazon, and in KINDLE and ePUB format for immediate download. *SALE* Amazon US is now offering a 16% discount. Click the following link to visit the official page and get your copy. mind-your-reality/the_adventure_of_I.html
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:06:18 +0000

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