SECRET CONFESSIONS OF A CFMB MEMBER... Ive just been noticing - TopicsExpress


SECRET CONFESSIONS OF A CFMB MEMBER... Ive just been noticing what a difference CrossFit has made to my life - and its more than just a nicer butt. I dont think there is an aspect of my life that becoming a CrossFitter hasnt affected. Obviously, there has been the benefit of becoming fitter, stronger, slimmer and more toned. One result of the above benefits is the improved self confidence I feel about my appearance, but the real benefits run a whole lot deeper. 1) I now have a mindfulness practice that works for this mentally hyperactive creature. Unlike meditation or other deliberate mindfulness practices I need something that physically drags me out of my head and into my body. I tell you what, few things accomplish this as well as a 25min AMRAP of rope climbs, double unders, wall walks and box jumps. 2) It gets my blood pumping, my energy flowing and my hormones stabilising. This equates to feeling more alive, having more energy and being more emotionally level. So living with me no longer requires my kids to have to play the potentially deadly reality game Guess which mood mum is in. 3) It requires me to keep going at things I suck at. Not one of my greatest attributes. Bonus feature, after a while I become less and less sucky at those things. Take skipping for example. When I started CrossFit I was seriously skip dyslexic. I was constantly tripping over the rope, my feet or the floor. I was so excited the day I managed to do twenty skips in a row. Im still no double under champion (double unders are where the rope passes under your feet twice in a single jump) but I do now have a few to my name, better still I dont freak when I see them in a WOD. The really cool aspect of this is that Im inspired to stick other things out knowing that eventually it will make a difference, and even if it doesnt at least Ive tried. 4) It pushes me to extend myself and find out what I really can (and cant yet) do. Can I Strict Press 30kg overhead for 3 rounds of 5 reps? Apparently, thats a no, not yet. Can I Deadlift 77.5kg for 3 rounds of 5 reps? Oh my god, yes I can! Ok, so Im no Olympic weightlifter, but given that 6 months ago I was really pleased to Deadlift 65kg once, I reckon thats pretty good going. The spin off from this is that there are other areas in my life where previously I would have dismissed the idea of doing something because I didnt believe I would be able to do it and so I wouldnt even try. Now I try, or at least entertain the though of trying. 5) It gives me cred with my kids. My 10 year old son has referred to me as a Burpee machine to his friends. He then had to explain what a Burpee is and they werent really that impressed (probably because they didnt get to personally experience the joy of knocking out 30 in a row), but he was and thats the bit that matters. 6) Its added a whole dimension to my relationship with my partner and my kids. We are, officially a CrossFit family. Well, were officially a family and we all officially do CrossFit. Yes, even the 4 year old. BTW, you should check out HIS Burpees! Oh my god, CUTE! Anyway, after years of my partner being significantly fitter than me and me being too intimidated to put on a pair of running shoes in front of him (my issue, not his), we now train together at home on the weekends. We even enjoy watching various CrossFit instructional videos on YouTube together. Ah, old person CrossFit love, how sweet. So a massive THANK YOU to Rick and Helen (and Kate, Chris and Jason) at CrossFit Murbah; who make it fun to get out of bed at 4:45am three mornings a week, drive to a shed 20 mins away and flog myself till it hurts. Thanks for your patience, focused coaching, and dedication to making this Box an awesome little CrossFit community hub. Plus a bonus massive THANK YOU to Nikki for ironing my kinks out at CrossFit Murbah yoga! P.s Nikki is the only yoga instructor Ive ever had, and Ive had a few, who understands my freaky hyper-extension thingy and has helped me work effectively with it. So extra thanks for that bit. Great to see that we are making a difference - here is tomorrows WOD...
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 07:40:46 +0000

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