SECURITY BILL NAKURU COUNTY MCAs SUPPORT SECURITY BILL Sitting Members of County assembly (MCAs) drawn from Nakuru County today faulted the opposition on its quest to have the assented security law quashed. Speaking in Nakuru today under the auspices of Young Progressive Leaders led by Ndondori ward MCA Steve Kihara said the promulgated constitution had clipped presidential powers which rendered the executive vulnerable without powers to act on insecurity. ‘The law is needed in this country to tame the spiraling wave of terror activities and deter anyone with intent to cause mayhem against innocent Kenyans,’ said Kihara. On the same score the MCAs condemned the actions of Senators James Orengo, Johnstone Muthama, Bonny Khalwale and Moses Wetangula that led to shouting matches between members allied to the Jubilee and CORD coalitions in the national assembly. The leaders commended the August house for passing the executive sponsored bill despite the incitement and unruly behaviour mounted by the opposition. Nominated MCA Margaret Kiiru lamented the move by some women MPs notably Gladys Wanga, Homabay County Women MP, who harassed their colleagues in the house, pouring water on the Deputy Speaker Joyce Laboso, a move she contested as being close to terrorism. Ms Kiiru called on the youth to distance themselves from terror and other criminal activities that may jeopardize the country’s economy. Lawrence Obiya, Nakuru County URP spokesperson, said that ODM and CORD have set bad political precedent for the nation at a critical time when they are supposed to check the executive. Obiya decried the shrinking democratic space in the country and notably in ODM after giving a direct nomination to a candidate whom they party preferred without competitive party nominations. He said that Kenya is bigger that individuals and called on CORD to support the president in implementing the security law to ensure safety of Kenyans from terror related activities. KTS BY:Dennis Rasto.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 15:30:20 +0000

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