SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE SALVATION TESTIMONY (TODAY’S TOP STORY) OUR GOD WORKS ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE HIM The Turning Point Some things happened that changed my life for good. One, I had a dream where someone said to me, “aren’t you lucky? See god.” By that, he was referring to a man who was standing at Akimbo beside me. But as I prostrated to kiss the feet of that god, I found that they were dirty and he was wearing tattered sandals and the dust from his feet stained my lips. So I tried kissing the other foot, only to discover that it was even worse. Thus I started wondering what kind of god that was that had such dirty feet. And knowing the saying that one can’t see god and live, I tried sneaking to catch a glimpse of his face, but he was a fair complexion man with three clots of pimples. Wondering how a god would have pimples, I felt it wasn’t safe to be around, so I crept to the wall that was behind me and took to my heels. As I ran, I met a friend I told about my experiences with the god and he simply laughed at me, saying that man I go to worship must be a man with dirty feet and pimples-ridden face. While I was angry with him for talking about god like that, I woke up. And I dismissed it as being only a dream in line with the grail tradition. Secondly, two people I respected later visited my house and invited me for an eminent person’s dinner. One was of them was a lady I had tried in vain to date while we were in school, as she was going on steadily with some young guy, who she eventually married. So with the old memories of her re-awakened, I quickly accepted the invitation. On getting to the hotel venue for the meeting, I didn’t see the lady and while trying to settle down by asking for a bottle of beer, the steward kept coming back with soft drinks until I didn’t get to see him again. Well, the meeting eventually started and the speaker was introduced and he came up and started by saying that though he would be speaking from the bible, he didn’t expect eminent persons like us to come to dinner with bibles. And on he went, reading and talking from the book of Mark 4:35-41. There he shared the lessons of the storm Jesus calmed while He and His disciples were on the Sea of Galilee. One of the lessons, according to the Pastor, was that storms were no respecter of persons. And surprisingly, it wasn’t long after that the Pastor mentioned my case, saying that…you may be working so hard and suddenly you are sent a brown envelope that you have been retired. And at that, I felt someone must have whispered my case to him. He then went on defining storms and types of storms. And he said that the only reason why the boat referred to in Mark 4 could not sink was because it was carrying the Son of God. So, his conclusion was this, with Jesus in one’s boat, which could be one’s body, marriage, family, office, business, no matter the degree of storm, the boat would not sink. And as he asked for those who have been touched by the word and would like to make Jesus, the only one who could calm storms, their Lord and Savior, I stood up. And I was led through the sinner’s prayer. Indeed all things work together for good. I was angry that I was prematurely retired but today, I thank God that I was because if that didn’t happen, I would have still been the world, ‘chopping life’ and enjoying the goodies and temptations that lucked around my ex-service, like excess wine, women and more. Amb. Moses Ihonde Lagos SEE Indeed, all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). Like He did in M.I’s life, Jesus is still in the business of working for good all things (including our messed up past), because we are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). With Jesus, our mess becomes a message to save others like M. I. is using his. Except the name of Jesus, there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, neither is there salvation in any other (Acts 4:12). It is only by returning and resting in Him that we get saved (Isaiah 30:15). It is so natural for us to return back to Him whenever we stray away or get stuck in the world, for our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15a), as well as all we can ever be. We may get so full and forget God but He who declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) is a master planner who actually had it all pre-set for His own glory to see us return back to Him someday (Isaiah 30:18). To return back to God like M.I did according to his true life story above, all you need do is to confess your sins like he did. For our merciful God is indeed faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) Let us pray: Dear Jesus, I invite you into my life. I believe you died for me and that your blood paid for my sins and provides me with the gift of eternal life. By faith I receive that gift and I acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour from this moment. Thank you for saving me and thank you for giving me your grace so I could live for your glory and use my testimony to save and draw men unto you in Jesus name. Blessed/Encouraged/Inspired by our Salvation testimony? Be part of Kingdom witnesses using documented miracles to stir up hope, strengthen faith and make a difference to the glory of God. Share this link, facebook/seeinspirationsmag, with someone for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE inspirations Magazine. Share your inspiring testimony by mailing to: chiefeditor@seeinspirationsmagazine (We overcome by the blood of the lamb & by the word of our testimony….Rev 12:11). Like us/Share this link: facebook/seeinspirationsmag for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE. Read more inspiring testimonies/columns culled from SEE Inspirations Magazine; Become a SEE MAG Partner, inspire the world through your giving - visit seeinspirationsmagazine
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:54:08 +0000

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