SEE THE VIDEO!!!! I LOVE IT!!! GLENN BECK SAID THIS YEARS AND YEARS AGO!!! MAYBE NOW, PEOPLE WILL LISTEN! I am sure like myself, a lot of people are pretty annoyed with Glenn Beck right now for the way he treated the Operation American Spring Movement. Maybe I should say for the way he DIDN’T treat it. He ignored it, and even let a writer at the Blaze take a cheap shot regarding the attendance in an article headline. Why? I don’t know. I have a mind of my own, so I’m not going to regurgitate what conservative talk radio hosts have been saying on Satellite Radio all last week. To them, it’s was all about how Glenn has sold out, believes his own hype, blah, blah, etc. Again, I don’t know what his reasons were, but for all Glenn Beck has done for the Tea Party/Patriot Movement, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Im going to chose to believe that there was SOME reason for his actions other than he “sold out.” I dont know that Ill ever agree with whatever the reason was, but I still believe Glenn is one of the good guys. Flawed? Yes. Find me someone who isnt. Remember: If you go back to Beck’s show on Fox News from 3-4 years ago, almost EVERYTHING he predicted is coming to pass. ALL OF IT! If not for his book Agenda 21, only the die hard conservatives would even know what Agenda 21 is. He brought that main stream. Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Van Jones, and how many other things is Glenn Beck responsible for bringing main stream? So, before anyone comments on Beck, simply because he is the interviewer here, and was not Pro-American Spring, I ask you to save your comments. The “Interviewer” is NOT the topic here. CARSON IS URGING PEOPLE TO LOOK INTO ALINSKY! THIS IS BIG! SOME LEFTIES WILL NO DOUBT GIVE HIM A CHANCE… WHY? BECAUSE OF HIS RACE. THATS THE SAD TRUTH. I DON’T CARE WHY PEOPLE TAKE HIS SUGGESTION... JUST THAT THEY DO! PEOPLE NEED TO BE EDUCATED TO TAKE BACK THE U.S. CARSON IS USING HIS PLATFORM TO TRY TO DO THAT.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 12:55:49 +0000

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