SEED OF PROSPERITY AND DESTRUCTION IS IN YOUR VOTE!! VOTE WISELY... Dictators and other autocratic leaders rely on violence and intimidation to get people do what they want. Inexperienced leaders are quick to lead before learning anything about people they intend to lead. But true and good leaders in every sphere of life, are people who are less interested in their position and more interested on their positive impact on others. Likes of Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, etc. If you study their lives, you will notice that they always want to make things better for others. They listen to their peoples stories, predicaments. Find out about their hopes and dreams, and became acquainted with their aspirations and emotions. From that variables, they learn about their people, discover what is valuable to them. Risks their comfort, position, their lives and submerged their ego for the sake of what is best for their people and not themselves. And because servant mind set pervades their thinking! They focuses on producing new form of leadership that will inspire hope and confidence among their people, and capture Gods vision of nation where aspirations of the people will be incorporated, and evoke in them the capacity to dream and rights to pursue those personal dreams and vision. While degrading disputes that hitherto truncate their apparent feasibility with utmost strength and resolves. Thereby lifting them up and making them part of something bigger than themselves. No wander ALBERT EINSTEIN 1921 Nobel prize of Physics asserted. “Only a life live in the service of others is worth living” As election draws nearer, you must be deliberate to exert your authority in the process of who REPRESENTS you. The persons who would provide in the next four years for you. •Good and affordable school. •Good hospitals and affordable bills •Good roads network •Agriculture and Steady supply of fertilizer •Job provision •Proactive security network •Consistent and stable Power, etc. We really need to participate in the process of who becomes our leader. People of value who can add value to our well being, by valuing what we value and better still, valuing and doing what God values. The real illiterate is the political illiterate, who through laziness or anger and ignorance disenfranchise himself by planning not to vote. Unknown to him, everything in this nation is determine by political decision. School fees, job opportunity, security, fertilizer, power, price of sugar, maggi, kerosene, transport fare, price of food, clothes, etc. Even blood bath, inflation. Infact corruption in its entirety, success and failure are seeds in political decision which your vote can decide. We will never get it right, If we keep revisiting our diary of tribal, ethnic, religion and regional sentiments that seems to have conditioned us over years into perpetual miseries. Only a madman keeps doing same thing while expecting different result. What we are and where we are today as nation and state, is obvious product of our political decision in 2011 election. We can make it extremely difficult for dubious INEC or electoral college to rig if we deliberately excise our franchise. One vote can make a difference. It can change our story for good or its omission may turn next four years into gloom and abyss. When you refuse to vote, you carve way for charlatans and criminals to slot themselves in your driving seat and take you to a forbidden direction. Youll loose and theyll win. However, if you excise your franchise, you take the lead and then, everyone wins. Note; They fear your vote, more than hell. Since they compromise their faith for anything that would bring result.... Your future is in your hand. Be patriotic, its your right and duty. Be a stakeholder in Nigerian dream project. Avoid inciting statements and violence. Remember, what we desire is solution. Be the solution. May God and not sentiments guide our choices! One man, one vote.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:28:41 +0000

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