[SEHUN IMAGINE] For: Michelle Gerb Omma! Im going to school - TopicsExpress



[SEHUN IMAGINE] For: Michelle Gerb Omma! Im going to school now. I called to my mother who was in the kitchen. Eo! Have fun at school! She answered me. As if I ever do. I muttered and ran out the door. AISH! Youre going to make us late again! MiU, my best friend slapped my arm. Ow? Im sorry, my alarm clock didnt go off. I apologized. You know, as the perfect person you are, I thought you would get up faster. MiU said. Perfect? Really? Youve got to be kidding me? Im the complete opposite of perfect. I scoffed. Excuse me? Have you even looked into the mirror, or your grades? Youre the straight A student that is on the honor roll every single term. Youre also the face of the school! She hit me again. Stop hitting me! Besides, being the face of the school and getting perfect grades isnt anything! Most students in the school get perfect grades! I protested against her. Oh shut-up! Youre so perfect even guys like Sehun drool over you! She pointed behind us where Sehun was laughing with his friends. I rolled my eyes at her. He doesnt even know of my existence and hes drooling over me? What? Hes just hiding it right now. She said. Yeah, you keep thinking that. I walked ahead. ___At School__ See you after class. MiU waved to me before entering her classroom. I looked at my schedule, science. Wait, didnt I have this class with Sehun? CLASS! ATTENTION! Mrs. Lee, our science teacher slammed her talking stick on the table. Good. She smiled in satisfaction as everyone quieted down. This term, you will be working in pairs of twos for a term project. She explained filling the class with whispers. Half the class was staring at each other. Most of the boys were looking across at girls they wanted to be partners with. Class! I will be choosing the partners, so all you boys can turn your attention back to me now. Mrs. Lee smiled making the boys slump down in their seats including some girls who were staring at Sehun. Okay, Ari, youre with Dongwook. Sora, youre with Jongguk. Nara, youre with Jinsa. ____, youre with Sehun... My eyes widened in surprise and the class filled with whispers once again. I turned my head to see Sehun staring across at me with a blank expression. When Mrs. Lee finished speaking, Sehun was still keeping his gaze on me. I tried to ignore it, but what the hell? Was he trying to pierce into my soul? Class... Class... Class! SEHUN! STOP STARING AT _____! Mrs. Lee finally yelled impatiently. Sehun jumped and turned his attention back to Mrs. Lee. Sehun, I know _____ is pretty, but try to focus during the lesson. You can stare at her all you want when youre doing the project. She teased him. N-Nae seongsang-nim. Sehun stuttered clearing his throat in embarrassment. At the end of the class, I hurried to pack up my things and leave. Seriously? Out of all 50 people in the class, I had to be paired up with Sehun? Annyeong Mrs. Lee. I bowed to Mrs. Lee before exiting the classroom. Before I could reach to hallways, someone blocked my way. To my surprise, Sehun was looking down at me, way too close for comfort. Um... I looked to the side. Oh, sorry. He took a step back. Yes? I asked him. Can you give me your phone? He extended his hand. Hesitantly, I placed my phone on his palm. He smiled in satisfaction, and smiled. He dialed his cellphone. Okay, gumawo. He handed my phone back to me. Ill call you later? Sure. I bit my bottom lip. ________ Wait! Wait! So, he was staring at you? MiU held onto my arm, screaming with anxiety after I told her about me being partnered up with Sehun. Maybe? I raised an eyebrow. GOSH ANSWER ME PROPERLY WOMAN! She whacked me head. Be quiet, this is a school. I said carrying my lunch tray to an empty table. Just then, someone came up to MiU and I. Are you ____? She asked giving me a cold glare. Yes... I replied. Stay.away.from.my.sehun.oppa. She said sternly. Excuse me? I looked at her in disbelief. Stay away from my Sehun oppa. Are you deaf? God, I thought you were smart, I guess not. Youre just another s-l-u-t. She spelled out the last word. And who do you think you are to call me such things? Do you even know what it means? I havent slept with anybody. Are you just going to go around and randomly call people sluts for no reason at all? Are you that shallow? And by the way, Im not interested in your Sehun oppa, so you can have him to yourself. I said making her take a step back. Youre talking back to me? TO ME? She raised a hand to slap me across the face. But was stopped. She whimpered and turned around to see Sehun holding onto her wrist. O-Oppa. She stuttered and ran out of the cafeteria, her hands in her face. Are you okay? He asked me with a look of concern. Yeah, Im fine. Thank you. I said. Can you come out with me for a few minutes? Sehun asked. Uh, sure. I said looking at MiU who nodded in approval. When we were outside of the cafeteria, Sehun led me into the schools garden, where people rarely went to. He kept his hands in his pockets. What did you need to talk about? I asked trying to change the awkward atmosphere. Do you know why you always see me behind you when walking to and back from school? He asked. Because we live close to each other? Do you know why I look at you in class? He asked again, this time taking a step closer to me. No... I fought the urge to jump at him. Could someone possibly be this attractive? Its because I like you. He cupped me face and pressed his lips against mine. __________________ Woah...woah..woah. I fell off my chair reading this. Should that have not happened XD Sorry. This was so bad! Im sorry Michelle Gerb for my terrible writing skills. My sucky excuse is.. Im the Korean Chinese, I dun know da engrish. Admin GreenTea
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:02:39 +0000

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