SELF PROMOTION WITHIN THE CHURCH IS NOT GIVING GOD THE GLORY HE DESERVES......reminds me of the old gospel song...To God be the glory, great things He has done..... Self promotion is born out of pride. God hates pride. He will not share His glory with anyone. Humility is the way to go. Humble obedience to God and His word. He says it is He that will raise us up in His good time. When we are called out from the world, it is to mean we are also being called out from pride and self promotion, to live humble lives for Him. If we are to be a called out people, then we must act and look like it. If we look and act the same as lost worldly people, where then is the fruit of the Holy Spirit? If we are bearing no fruit, then perhaps we are not really apart and separate from the world and are guilty of hypocrisy. If we are to promote anything it is Gods word, and if we are to promote anyone it must always be Jesus. If we are looking for approval and accolades, why look for them from people when we can have them given to us by God? I would much rather please God than any other thing. "Well done thou good and faithful servant", means just that. Being a servant. Serving God means obedience to Him and His word, not bringing any attention to ourselves, but bringing God the glory and respect He is worthy of. We support and promote Him, not ourselves. If we support and promote God and ourselves, then we are placing ourselves above that which we should, not trusting God in faith to do on our behalf as He has promised. Essentially putting the cart before the horse. WE are the cart. It is God that directs our movements. The reward comes later. When we involve ourselves in self promotion, especially within the church, we are presenting a message to God that His approval and accolades for us are not enough or not good enough. That is a very dangerous and haughty position to place ourselves in. This is pride and will eventually cause us to fall. SO WHAT if we never become famous, so what if we never become wealthy with a great worldly reputation! What good will it be when the time comes to leave it all behind? Will it be left to fools? As for me, I would rather lay up treasures in heaven where I can enjoy them later on when I go to be with my Jesus. How about you?
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 23:05:23 +0000

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