☢ SELLAFIELD - NOT TO FORGET - DE NE PAS OUBLIER - NO OLVIDAR - PER NON DIMENTICARE >>> ☢ Between 1950 and 2000 there were 21 serious incidents or accidents involving some off-site radiological releases that warranted a rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale, one at level 5, five at level 4 and fifteen at level 3. [wikipedia] ☢ The Observer wise-paris.org/index.html?/english/othersnews/year_2003/othersnews031203.html&/english/frame/menu.html&/english/frame/band.html ☢ 1997. Three thousand molars extracted from British 13 & 14 year-olds were checked for contamination. Every single tooth contained traces of Plutonium. Not surprisingly, children living over one-hundred-miles away from Sellafield had less than half the amount of Plutonium in their teeth as children in Cumbria on Sellafields doorstep. Until November 2003 Her Majestys Government managed to keep this evidence, for closing Sellafield, secret. ☢ 2003 - The Guardian: Plutonium from Sellafield in all childrens teeth Government admits plant is the source of contamination but says risk is minute theguardian/uk/2003/nov/30/greenpolitics.health ☢ April 7, 2009 - Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Scam: Call for Public Inquiry ☢ The Queen ignored millions of sensible people who protested against the building of her Mixed Oxide (Mox) nuclear fuel plant at Sellafied. Public opinion was brushed aside by Her Majestys loyal lackey’s in Parliament who stated that Mox would make money for the taxpayer. Thus far Mox has cost the taxpayer over £1 BILLION. Taxpayers were told Mox would produce and sell 120 tons of fuel rods per year. However, a long running investigation by The Independent recently revealed Mox has sold only 6.3 tons of fuel since it opened in 2001! The Mox plant has never once run smoothly. For eight years Ministers of the Crown denied there was a serious problem. The plants losses were kept secret until Ex Environment Minister Michael Meacher used a written question to wheedle out the facts and figures. Mr Meacher is now calling for a public inquiry into this latest waste of public funds at the Sellafield complex. Mr Meacher said: This waste of taxpayers money is unforgivable. There should be a public inquiry into this scandal and those responsible should be held to account. Mr Meacher had tried to stop Mox being built and as a result was sacked from Her Majestys Government. Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes stated. The Mox plant has proved yet another nuclear black hole for taxpayers money. Building a new generation of nuclear power stations is throwing billions of pounds of good money after bad. They are never built on time or on budget and they will not solve the UKs energy needs. Nathan Argent of Greenpeace said. This is a staggering waste of taxpayers money, and we doubt that these will be the full costs of this sorry saga. Just imagine what the safe energy sector could have done with a billion pound plus subsidy like that.” ☢ Daily Mail Britains nuclear inferno: How our own Government covered up Windscale reactor blaze thats caused dozens of deaths and hundreds of cancer cases Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1367776/UK-Government-covered-nuclear-reactor-blaze-caused-death-cancer.html
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:52:59 +0000

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