SEO Tips 2015: 20 (Search Engine Optimization) SEO Tricks & Tips - TopicsExpress


SEO Tips 2015: 20 (Search Engine Optimization) SEO Tricks & Tips To Get Top Ranked in 2015 SEO (Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizer) helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. The first truth you need to know to learn SEO is that the search engines are computer program/application not humans. While this might be obvious for every SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), the differences between how humans and search engines view web pages aren’t. Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures that can feel the beauty of a cool design or enjoy the sounds and movement in movies. Instead, search engines crawl the Web, looking at particular site items (mainly text) to get an idea what a site is about. This brief explanation about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not the most precise because as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results – crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and retrieving. So, Tips and Tricks starts here:- There are a lot of tips and guides, but this article actually provides quick results, but also do well in the long run. The main idea of search engine optimization is relatively simple: Provide valuable information to the visitors and keep them happy. If you know that trick to keep your visitors, there is virtually nothing can go wrong and you do not have to be afraid of penalties, panda, penguin and other updates of Google. 1. Optimize The Title Tag :-The title tag is the blue link that is visible in search engine results when they search for a particular keyword. It simply means your post title. The title tag can be optimized by placing the main keywords as much as possible. But do not overdo this or you can be accused of keyword stuffing. Find your primary keyword, write a meaningful title with this keyword and a one sentence description of your content. Make sure your title tag no more than 60 characters and contains no repetition of keywords. 2. Use Google Ad Planner to find titles.:- Use Google keyword planner external tool to select good keywords according to traffic or requirements. 3. Optimize the description tag:- The description tag is visible in the search results and to get visitors to your website. It is important that you have a compelling meta description used. It should be clear to the visitor what your site is about and what can be expected. The main keywords can be included. The user should feel an urge to click your link by reading your description. 4. Use headings and sub-headings for layout:- The use of headings and subheadings in the text on your web page is not only pleasant for visitors, but also for the search engine. Visitors scan the text simple if you use headers like (H1, H2 and H3) and the search engine assumes that those which contain headlines and subheadings are important information on the subject. The headings and subheadings should be provided with the heading tags, otherwise a search engine like Google will not recognize. The most common heading tags are: Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Use the main keyword in the subheadings, because there is more value to be granted. In many open source CMS systems like WordPress, this feature is standard. Besides the use of titles and headers, it is also wise to make use of bold text and other features that make the text more readable. A well-formatted text is very important. For both the visitors and the search engines. 5. Search engine friendly urls:- Applying search engine friendly urls increase the ease to find your blog for search engines. What I do not mean with a search engine friendly URL. seosolutionsindia... What I mean by a search engine friendly URL. seosolutionsindia... 6. Start a blog post with a picture:- If you have a blog post begins with an image then it is likely that a user will read the content. Moreover, it is also positive in the field of SEO. 7. Enrich your content with various media:- If you enrich the content of your website with various media as video, audio, pdf or infographics then it has a positive impact on both visitors and SEO. The search engine will then get a better idea of the content and the media used to connect to the topic of your page. In addition, you will benefit the advantage that visitors stay on your site longer. Do not post irrelevant media, though. 8. Keyword Density:- It has become less important to stick to a strict keyword density, but it is still important. It is more and more about the content and the legibility than to focus on repetition of the keyword. A text that is stuffed with keywords will be ignored by the search engine not rated or by the visitors. For example, use synonyms of the keyword and place the these in strategic places in your text, such as the front of the article, in the middle and at the end. 9. Write content for your visitors:- Write content primarily for visitors, because your audience is people, not search engine bots. Interesting content is automatically rewarded with an external link is created by a visitor for example, or that the information is shared on social media. That is also valued by Google. Place the most important keyword in the beginning of the text. 10. Internal linking and optimization:- Internal links within your website is an ideal way to use the power and authority of your website to disseminate information about your web pages. You can optimize internal links through a good anchor text to select the important keyword and title to assign. Use the internal links to get more value for the keyword you want to be found. Another advantage of internal linking is that your website gets as coherence and visitors can immerse themselves in your website. 11. External links:- External links are especially valuable for search engine optimization as there is good quality backlinks. That includes links to relevant websites, as well as links to websites that have a good reputation. Also guest blogging can contribute to creating more external links. Focus rather on creating good and valuable information , and you will find that backlinks come naturally. 12. Encourage social media:- Social media is important to the search engine optimization and it is therefore important to be in active social networks . You can encourage social media, by including buttons to target there. Example: “Like” Button, “Tweet” Button etc The information can then be shared directly with your visitors on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The links shared on social media have an impact on the ranking of your website or a particular web page. Be active on social media by regularly posting messages and responding. 13. Long tail keyword strategy:- You can use the long tail strategy to get higher in the search engine. This can not only score higher in the search engine, but also increases the chance of your site being visited. In addition, the visitor can find what he sought probably on your website When content strategy is focused on longer keywords, your rank quickly rise on Google because there is less competition. In addition, the conversion of such articles is often higher because it often involves specific questions or problems. 14. Create and optimize the main categories:- It is important to use the main categories because the visible structure of your website should be simple for the search engine. Obviously, making a distinction between categories is also user friendly for your visitors.The visitors can quickly find what they are looking for. A main category can obviously have several subcategories, which should be also well optimized. 15. Update regularly:- Regularly update your site with new content, media and news sites that attracts the attention of the search engines. New articles on your website is likely to be indexed quickly because you have already got visitors often. If you regularly update your website, it will be also interesting for your visitors to come back if they know that there are some regular news can be found on your website again. Optimize Videos on Your Site Since the search engine can not see the content of your video, it is important to optimize video file. You do that by adding metadata, such as to give a title., keyword and description. Give the file a clear description of the contents of your video with you and place multiple videos on separate web pages. 16. Do not spam, keep it real!:- Spamming will not help you in the long run to reach a high position in the search engine. Therefore, focus on paying particular attention to the occurrence of natural links through to social media, posting interesting content and write, active guest blogging. Also avoid excessive keyword density, spam comments and bad links. 17. Google Plus (+1):- It is certainly advisable to use Google plus because Google has rivalry on Facebook. Chances are that Google+ in the future will have more direct impact on the rankings of websites in Google. That is quite plausible because Google plus is from Google search engine itself and sets its own product obviously paramount. Moreover, it is a social network that offers multiple opportunities to come in direct contact with your customers. 18. Ask what they want to know:- You can often ask questions to find out what the visitors need and you can do that in several ways. A very simple example is to create a list using the Q & A either provide a list of frequently asked questions and answers. There you come beforehand to meet the demand. Other possibilities are responding to posts or emails. 19. Use Sitemaps:- Search engines often look for Sitemaps, which is a table of contents is used from the website. There are also Sitemaps which are visible and clickable for the visitor, but that is, in fact, regular Web pages in the form of an HTML sitemap. An XML sitemap is designed specifically for the search engines, however, that the different pages can index in a simple way. Sitemaps improve the visibility of your website. You can sign in search engines via the sitemap.xml itself with a Google webmaster tool and a BING webmaster tool. 20. Diversity is the key:- Diversity is the key to success for your website to be high scoring. Be different from what others do. Commit yourself fully in what you are doing. Blogging is never a get rich quick scheme, but in the long run, you will find success.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:38:11 +0000

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