SERMON FOR THE WEEK: WHATSOEVER HE SAITH UNTO YOU, DO IT Jn 2:2b Weddings in Jesus were week-long festivals. Banquets were prepared for many guests, and the was spent celebrating the new life of the married couple. Often the whole town was invited, and everybody came-it was considered an insult to refuse an invitation to a wedding. To accommodate many people, careful planning was needed. To run out of wine was more disastrous and embarrassing; it broke the strong unwritten laws of hospitality. Jesus was about to respond to a heartfelt need. Suddenly, the news was broken that they ran out wine. The celebrants were in a state of total disarray and were confused. They quickly ran to mother of Jesus informing her of the dilemma. Mary went to her son Jesus Christ informing of the great embarrassment that was to come due to shortage of wine. Mary new Jesus was capable in handling the situation. At this junction, Mary told the maids that whatever JESUS directed them to do, exactly they should obey. Most of us today failed to follow simple directive/Gods commandments. We believe on our own ways of handling situations. We dont follow what God says and that is why we keep on having problems upon problems. In the book of Jonah 1:1, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyrian Empire. The last place Jonah wanted to go on a missionary trip was to Nineveh! So he went in the opposite direction. He boarded a ship in Joppa which was headed for Tarshish in Spain. But he couldnt ran away from God. Jonahs disobedience to God endangered the lives of the ships crew. We have a great responsibility to obey Gods word because our sin and disobedience can hurt others around us. In Gen.6:14, God directed Noah to construct an ark. He was also told how and what to use for the construction. i.e. step by step approach and what to put inside. If Noah had rejected Gods directive, maybe he would had being part of the destruction. Note that the position you are occupying today, God put you there for a purpose which you will be answerable to. Whichever work God assigned to you, take it happiness and do it accordingly. In the gospel according to St. Luke 2:42-49 - First category - Knowing and Doing The first group is those who know and do God’s will. Jesus is the greatest example of this category. As we just read, Jesus knew God the Father’s will and He did it. From His birth, to His death, His every thought and deed was to do God’s will. Yes that was God in the flesh so now let’s look at a regular guy like us. Let’s look at Paul. This guy must have looked like the Anti-Christ to early Christians. He killed Christians. But on the road to Damascus, God stopped him. Acts 9:4-6 - And he did it for the rest of his life. Despite personal suffering he did it. Paul knew the secret and shares it in Philippians 1:21 where he wrote to live is Christ, and to die is gain. I live only to serve Him; I will rest and reap the rewards when I am dead! John 15:14 says, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. That is our reward; we get to be friends with the King and not just any king but the King of Kings.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 07:41:15 +0000

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