SETTLE DOWN AND LISTEN PLEASE. My daughter is with the Good and - TopicsExpress


SETTLE DOWN AND LISTEN PLEASE. My daughter is with the Good and Gentle Shepherd. My Father has not committed a cruel act. TRUTH She is absent from her body so is present with the Lord. All was and is well with her soul. She was taken up early to spare her from something the Savior could see coming and in His wisdom and compassion he has saved her from a greater suffering that she wouldnt have been able to recover from endangering her soul, even falling away from the truth. He has her and she is protected. I know for a fact she was not permitted to suffer even a little. She passed through the veil from physical to spiritual as easily and quickly as we would pass through a thin patch of fog. She went where she is safe, secure, completely adored, unconditionally loved, wanted, and happy for all eternity. She does not remember what tears are anymore, Hes already wiped the last ones away she will ever have on her beautiful sweet cheeks and knowing his heart like I do, she probably didnt know what they were anymore when he did. I know my daughter well, I know she accepted Christ Jesus as her Lord and Savior years ago at Emmanuel. I know she was one of child like Faith who borrowed some of Mammas when she struggled with times of doubt and confusion. I know Loran had the new heart we are given through Christ, evidence being this tremendous incredible unconditional love that poured out of her and spilled over on to everyone around her. She loved just like the Father loves, and wanted to love and be loved just like her Savior Jesus does. Her mind renewed as the Holy Spirit took the seeds of truth that had been planted in her, and helped them grow and as they grew up in her, she began to grow in Christ. My baby had a huge harvest of right godly desires, and as we know Apart from him we can do no good (Truly godly, pure heart motive) thing, I know that my God is trustworthy, able, faithful, and mighty to save. I see the pity in your eyes and I thank you for the sweet hearts you have. I pray that this will help you rise in spirit with hope with me as I cannot concentrate on this physical place we are surely only travelers passing through, but I must fix my eyes and all that I am on where my help really comes from which is the Heavenly realm where my Daughter truly is, where we will who have accepted the Savior will also be. The great morning we are all together in Heaven that will come bringing joy like we have never known, after this night of sorrow in this world we are in, but will never be of I pray. Peace be to you and comfort to your heart. I am in this human body so I cannot escape this feeling of being closer to death than Ive ever known, but I can rise in Spirit to the very thrown where she is. It is not that I have lost a part of my soul her soul was tied to mine since the day I conceived her. This tie has not been torn away, thats not the pain I thought I felt. My Lord the Healer Jehovah Rophi, has revealed to me it is the STRETCH OF THE ETERNAL TIE THAT BINDS I feel such pain. As her natural body was the vessel of her soul, and is of my body the distance of our souls has never been so great. As to be absent from the Body is to be in the full presence of the Lord, and when the soul goes so quickly at such a distance these ties do not break but stretch like a muscle if that helps you understand. This causes the pain from our very souls passed the comprehension of our physical, mental, and emotional state. The horror of the frame we are in at this time, but praise God he has promised to be mindful of. Gratitude and thankfulness to you Christ Jesus for the sacrifice you have made for my sin, so that I to can approach your thrown in spirit to be in your presence where my baby is, and there I am relieved of the stretch, and I am helped. You recovers like myself as things like this are meant for our harm, to lose our recoveries I have chosen to face this fully and completely sober, without help of any medication, without any of my own I am supposed to take since 3 days ago. (Not harmful) This is not to boast but to be an example to you that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU. This was meant for my harm, to steal my recovery as the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He will not in Jesus name, but giving all Glory to God will get more than He bargained for as I stand firm in my testimony to you today, HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT. As God put this on my heart to do for his glory, it is not for you to go and forsake all your meds you should take, so be wise. I was tempted to sedate and numb like we do, but there is Victory in Jesus, so put the Armor of God on, raise your shield of Faith, draw your Sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:10-18 because it does work. God is faithful and His word as soothing medicine because it is truth and He keeps his promises. I TELL YOU THE TRUTH. Though my daughters body as it is of my body has me closer to death than I have ever felt, the soul tie we have also has me closer to eternal life than I have ever been as she walks and talks with her Father God and her Savior Jesus. My Grandsons will make a full Recovery. My Faith is intact, and I pray you all know I love you and are welcome to come to her services which will be announced soon. Thank you. Psalm 116:15-16 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful Saints Truly I am your servant, LORD; I serve you just as my mother did; you have freed me from my chains. Ecc 3:11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of Gods work from beginning to end. Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them intently and said, Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God. Job 5:11 The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn He lifts to safety. Matthew 10:28 Dont be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. John 10:28-30 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me,is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:36:39 +0000

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