SHALL WE STAND ALONE OR TOGETHER By Elijah Muhammad, Messenger - TopicsExpress


SHALL WE STAND ALONE OR TOGETHER By Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah Reprinted from the December 1966 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper STANDING TOGETHER creates strength, but division causes weakness and weakness invites attack. Ignorance and fear keep the so-called Negro (Lost Found Member of the Aboroginal Black Nation) divided. THE IGNORANCE of the knowledge of self and kind and the knowledge of other than self and kind has produced the present weak leadership, namely, the Black preachers of the white mans Christianity. THE SLAVE-MASTERS were the makers of the Black preachers. During the time of servitude slavery the slave-masters taught them to preach in order that they keep the so-called Negro a slave to the white man, physically and spiritually. THEREFORE, TODAY I do think hard of the poor Black preachers past ignorance and division against his own people in favor of his master who is the enemy of all the Black people on the face of the earth---- by nature. I do not charge the white man with that which, by nature, he is made to do. But, I do blame the Black preachers, if, having knowlege, they bow to that which is an enemy of God and the righteous. The white man offers that which will destroy me and my brothers. THE BLACK preachers have been listening to this truth of white America and her enslavement of the Lost- Found Members of the Aboriginal Black Nation, for 35 years. So, there is no excuse for the Black preachers preaching such a doctrine as the white mans Christianity. THE BLACK preachers, politicians and educators, see the rising of the black, brown and yellow people on the face of the earth today. They are pulling the nails out of the hands and the feet ---- the nails which held them to the cross of christianity ---- which made them subject Nations to white Europe and America. They are freeing themselves. This should make the American so-called Negroes and their leaders ( Black preachers, politicians and educators) think sanely in the way of self. They should stand together and oppose being shackled to the same stake (slave-masters children) to which our fathers were shackled 400 years ago. WE OFFER THE KEY to unlock this slavery, ignorance and fear which locked our fathers in 400 years ago. SHOULD WE ALLOW such ignorance and fear of our enemy to keep us divided--- to our shame and disgrace before our brethern of the world of Black, brown, yellow and other colors belonging to us? NO! WE MUST STAND together as other people and races are doing, today --- against being destroyed by the wicked opponents of God, truth, freedom, justice and equality, for us. IT IS THE HEIGHT of ignorance for us to be divided in this modern day and time. AFTER KNOWLEDGE has come to him, pity should not be shown to any so-called Negro who accepts bribes, tokens and promises which are against his own salvation and that of his people. NOR WILL GOD SHOW him pity. He has declared that He will fill hell with such people----who know His Will and will not do it and who join on the side of His enemy, the devil, to war against Him. LET US NOT BE so foolish as to fight our Own God and our salvation and people---to the derision and mockery of us, by the enemy. She (white America) seeks to deprive me and my followers of friendship and progress in the way of freedom, justice, and equality. She (white America) trys to oppose anyone who has good intentions and who offers sympathy to us, or tries to help us. They know that I am teaching the truth which will open the eyes and ears of my people. They will even go so far as to exalt the so-called Negro leaders (profesionals, clergy, and politicians), who are against me and my followers. ONCE THEY learn that these intelectuals have spoken words of sympathy to me and my followers, or if they think that these intellectuals will be persuaded by the truth of God and the salvation that He has brought to us,they will try to sway them with offers of higher positions. The white race of America has never wanted us to be united. This we all know. We must unite and fight to the bitter end, those opposed to the unity which means our salvation. There are many good hearted preachers, lawyers, doctors, and educators among us, but they are filled with the fear of losing the hypocritical friendship and promises of higher positions (offices) that are comparable to those held by white people. We see America falling. She will not have enough high places for her own kind not to think of having a few for a hated and despised servant (the so-called Negro). GOD IS AFTER us to give us heaven while we live, and God is after our enemy to give those who oppose his aims and purpose, hell. Shall we stand together for Gods help and our salvation or shall we stand alone with false promises and false friendship of a 400 year old enemy? If we, the Muslims, hire a well qualified Attorney - at Law to defend us, according to the law of justice, in their court, they will seek to elevate him into a higher office, such as a judgeship. We hired two of the best lawyers in Los Angeles, California, in 1962, to defend us against charges resulting from a brutal police attack. In order to deprive us of these lawyers knowledge of the law and knowledge of our innocence and in order to suppress the knowledge of the guilt of our murderers, they made judges out of both Earl Broady and Lorin Miller. Another example of these types of promotions can be seen in Joseph B.Williams being appointed to a ten year term as a family court justice and in George Leightons recent appointment -- both of whom have represented Muslims. IN PHOENIX , Arizona, we hired a lawyer to defend us against a federal government bus driver who completely demolished my 1962 Cadillac, and who almost killed the driver and his wife and two more occupants --- all of whom were Muslims. It is a miracle that they are alive today. During the trial, the bus driver told the truth and admitted that he was at fault. Currently this case has been to court twice, and we are yet seeking a third trial, in order to get something for the lost of our property and for our personal injuries, which was caused by the acknowledged negligence of the bus driver. We hired a lawyer of our own kind, H.B. Daniels, to seek justice in this case of injustice to us and since that time, the court of Phoenix has elevated him to the office of judgeshilp. This is is only a trick to buy off the so-called Negro who can be of help toward their own salvation and the salvation of their people. IT IS ISLAM that the United States of America wants to keep out of the so-called Negroes brains, because white America knows that Islam will get for the Lost Found members of the aboriginal nation, not a temporary high place among the nations, but a permanent high place among the nations of the earth. This we have proof of. White America would like to poison the Orthodox Muslims of the world against us, but if they drink the poison of theirs and our enemies, it would not be long before they would see and understand the truth---that God is with us to unite us with our brethren of Islam throughout the earth. The true sayings of the prophets that were written before we were ever brought to the western hemisphere, must be fulfilled. There are no people, in or out of America, that show symapthy for the rise of the so-called Negro that the United States of America will not seek to oppose and keep away from our help. On this, the intellectuals of the socalled American Negro will agree with me. It is the truth and nothing but the truth. LET US STAND together --- not divided. Do not attempt to stand alone, because we are too weak to stand alone.You must have God and your whole nation with you. Your whole nation includes all people except the white race, regardless of color or creed. They are willing to help us stand firm together, if we will accept them. But, due to your fear of losing the white mans favoritism, you will not accept them. The fall of the power of the white race ruling over the darker people of the earth is inevitable. No sane man will dispute the above sayings, but a foolish one or one fearful of what his ememy would do. I say fear Allah and come follow me. Allah will take away from you your fear and give you power to stand together with your kind. WHITE AMERICA sees what black America does not see------and knows what black America does not know about her doom, and the salvation of black America. I repeat, every Black man, woman, girl, or boy, who turns to Allah and to His true religion, Islam, and who receives one of the Names of Allah (God), will get into the Hearafter. Any one of the 100 Names of God means good and will get you into the Hereafter, if you will accept them. But, if you are too proud to be called by the Name of Almighty Allah and prefer the name of the devil, you will have no place among the pelople of the Hereafter. We must be called by the Name of God in order to enter into the life of the next world. Only a fool wants to be called by the name of his enemy. Every hour that you and I live brings us more knowledge of this world (the white mans world) and of how it is trying to deprive us of the salvation that is being offered to us by God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom praise is Due forever. THIS SALVATION will unite us together on a platform of permanent freedom, justice, and equality. DO WE STAND TOGETHER OR ALONE.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:48:40 +0000

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