SHAME TO ALL THOSE DYNAMOS FANS WHO THREW MISSILES Dynamos fans have set a new standard in idiocy, and that is celebrating a goal by throwing missiles onto the pitch. Surely, the reasons for that i dont really understand. The act of turning to missile throwing onto the pitch is nothing new in Zimbabwean football matches but it is commonly associated with expression of anger when usually a team does not perform according to expectations. While Caps United and most recently Highlanders fans have turned to violent protests because of bad results Dynamos fans have turned to throwing missiles when actually the team is winning. This i find it very disturbing and idiotic, imagine risking abandonment of a match your team is winning because someone decides to throw a missile on the pitch to celebrate a goal. Imagine that missile hitting a Player and recently with reports that a Cameroon player died in Algeria as a result of a missile thrown by his own teams fans hit him as the players walked off the pitch. I am sorry to say this but i feel police are not doing their job properly, Mbanje is smoked and abused at the stadiums in full view of Police and other fans. It is the same intoxicated fans who have an orgy for violence that throw missiles. Yesterday a group of not less than ten, smoked their Mbanje and singing unprintable words challenging anyone even the two police officers standing about ten meters away. That group of fans was responsible for missiles thrown when Twaliki delayed taking a goalkick. I have watched matches in South Africa Premiership and i must admit the soccer fans are well behaved and rarely do you see matches being stopped because of crown trouble, the only delay they cause is when officials delay kick off to allow fans to arrive. The issue here is lets refrain and teach one another about the dangers of throwing missiles. To be honest we term Bosso fans as being hooligans but now I HAVE TO admit Dynamos fans are far worse. How on earth do you rain missiles on the pitch when you team has scored. No wonder why our own players now avoid celebrating goals near Vietnam stand Muno tinyadzisa ma DeMbare! Hatisi tese i know but lest be exemplary and shame everyone who threw a missile......
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:42:16 +0000

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