SHHH! TRUE CONFIDENCE MAKES STRONG SILENCE Psalm 46:10 (AMP) Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. Today’s scripture is profound. Sometimes the simple things are too simple for us and we try to make them more complicated. Sometimes it’s the simple things that give us the most trouble. A lot of Christians feel like they have to really do something in order to get God to answer. How many times have we, or someone we know, tried to make a deal with God; “If you just get me out of this, God, I will serve you the rest of my life.” Sound familiar? It kind of makes you smile when you think about it; how could I be so dumb. The question now is, “How are you doing today?” Have you learned how to trust God better than you did back then? Have you learned to go to God with your request and ask until you feel that the answer has been given, and you get a peace about it? The bible says, to “let the peace of God rule your heart and act as an umpire.” When you gain peace over your request, you can rest assured that the answer’s on the way. At this point, you begin to praise God and thank Him for answering. What this scripture really is talking about is trust. Are you confident in the Lord? Do you trust Him to actually be God in your life, or are you always wondering in the back of your mind if He is going to leave you hanging because you somehow screwed up the process. When you think about it, this is the attitude of a lot of Christians. They say they trust God, but their life does not reflect it. I know people going through terrible health problems, but they can still get that little knowing smile on their face when they look to God and say, “I trust You.” Being still and recognizing God does not mean you can’t praise Him. Praise and worship is always welcome in the kingdom. The part about being still is concerning the negative thoughts that go through your mind. You are to cast those down and do not under any circumstances let them come out of your mouth. My method is; that every time my brain wants to speak negative about my answer, I begin to, out loud, thank God for my answer. So let’s recap. First of all, we trust God. We know that He’s faithful. We know that He wants to answer our request. Therefore, when negativity rises up in us, and the enemy would say, “Yeah but what about…” We simply stop and say, “I trust You, Father.” Being still is not easy. What is easy is complaining, but we’re going to be still and trust God. Have a blessed day. Your answer’s on the way.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:29:48 +0000

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