SHUTDOWN UPDATE: Since current law indicates that Congress will - TopicsExpress


SHUTDOWN UPDATE: Since current law indicates that Congress will get paid during this shutdown there is tons of pressure on the members of Congress to not accept their paychecks. Here is a current list of the members that have decided to react tothe pressure and what they are doing about it Senate (donate): Senate (not accepting): Barbara Boxer, D-California Chuck Schumer, D-New York Dianne Feinstein, D-California Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island Mark Udall, D-Colorado Tim Kaine, D-Virginia Michael Bennet, D-Colorado Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin Chris Coons, D-Maryland Tom Carper, D-Delaware Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii Senate (undecided): Mike Crapo, R-Idaho Jeff Flake, R-Arizona Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan Tom Udall, D-New Mexico Heidi Heitkamp, D-North Dakota John Hoeven, R-North Dakota Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina Bob Corker, R-Tennessee Orrin Hatch, R-Utah Mike Lee, R-Utah Michael Enzi, R-Wyoming House (donate): House (keeping): Ron Barber, R-Arizona Danny K. Davis, D-Illinois John Garamendi, D-California Todd Rokita, R-Indiana David Valadao, R-California William "Lacy" Clay Jr., D-Missouri Julia Brownley, D-California Howard Coble, R- NC Scott Peters, D-California Rosa L. DeLauro, D-Connecticut Jim Himes, D-Connecticut House (not accepting): Elizabeth Esty, D- Connecticut Mike Rogers, R-Alabama Phil Gingrey, R-Georgia Eric Swalwell, D-California Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii Jim Costa, D-California Bill Foster, D-Illinois Steve Southerland, R-Florida John A. Yarmuth, D-Kentucky Ron DeSantis, R-Florida Andy Barr, R-Kentucky Jack Kingston, R-Georgia Chellie Pingree, D-Maine Austin Scott, R-Georgia John Delaney, D-Maryland David Scott, D- Georgia Timothy J. Walz, D-Minnesota Tom Graves, R-Georgia Ann Wagner, R-Maryland Brad Schneider, D-Illinois Chris Collins, R-New York Cheri Bustos, D-Illinois Robert Pittenger, R-North Carolina Gregg Harper, R-Mississippi Kurt Schrader, D-Oregon Steve Daines, R-Montana David Cicilline, D-Rhode Island Tom Reed, R-New York Diane Black, R-Tennessee Virginia Foxx, R-North Carolina Bill Flores, R-Texas Jim Bridenstine, R-Oklahoma Joaquin Castro, D-Texas Mike Kelly, R-Pennsylvania Robert J. Wittman, R-Virginia Ralph M. Hall, R-Texas Scott Rigell, R-Virginia Lamar Smith, R-Texas Suzan DelBene, D-Washington Blake Farenthold, R-Texas Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Washington Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia Derek Kilmer, D- Washington Eric Cantor, R-Virginia Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin Doc Hastings, R-Washington Reid Ribble, R-Wisconsin House (undecided): John Campbell, R-California If you want to put pressure on other members to do the right thing SHARE this with your friends
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:11:46 +0000

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