SITTING MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT SERVED FIRST WRITS OF MANDAMUS: Thursday the 15th and Friday the 16th of January 2015. These photos show we The People outside Parliament House in Perth Western Australia; and outside the High Court of Australias Office in Perth Western Australia after serving the Prerogative Writs of Mandamus on all sitting Members in Western Australias Parliament on Thursday the 15th of January 2015 and also served in the High Court for filing on the 16th of January 2015. These sitting members now have 14 Days to resign their positions or answer to the High Court which they wont do due to the list of fraud and treason charges that they have committed against The People of the Commonwealth of Australia and that we are charging them with. Many thanks to Wayne Glew and our hard working team from our VELVET REVOLUTION! All other States and Territories sitting Members of Parliament will also be served in coming weeks, if you want to be a part of this historical event for the better of all Australians join our VELVET REVOLUTION and be there when we serve them. We ask everyone to join our VELVET REVOLUTION on the 21st to the 23rd of March 2015: In a show of UNITY on the 23rd of March 2015 we will MARCH to Parliament and formally advise The People and the illegal government of their removal from Parliament and issue Writs for an Election of Independent Candidates and reinstate our Constitution Act 1900 and our Annotated Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901 and we will implement Citizen Initiated Referendums on all major issues as was intended by the Framers of The Constitution. We are coming ahead in leaps and bounds, we have just released our organisers list and areas PLUS heaps of other information such as a PDF of our Annotated Constitution, so visit our page and join our VELVET REVOLUTION! To see the post and photos go to https://facebook/pages/Revolution-United-WE-STAND/730870617009164 Regards Lyn Bennetts REVOLUTION: United WE STAND. UNITED WE CAN & WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:50:00 +0000

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