SO I have to just say that life with dogs is really epic and - TopicsExpress


SO I have to just say that life with dogs is really epic and hilarious. Two things to prove my point: Thing 1: So a small dog in my house named Minion has a serious interest in underwear. This is not unusual in dogs but is unusual at my house as none of the others have shown this interest to date. Anyway, occasionally I rescue a pair from the Jaws of Doom and replace them in the laundry to be washed. Now I am a purist as far as underwear goes. I have the same boring underwear that can be purchased at your friendly neighborhood Sams in packages because I refuse to pay large sums of money for things that no one sees but the dogs and they do not care about (besides Minion I guess but I digress). So all underwear around here looks the same and I am usually in a hurry and fold and put things away after laundry (and after it has laid in the clean basket for awhile) without looking closely. So today I went to set up for the Prescott shows down in Chino Valley. And, as is typical of years past it was hotter than the Hinges of Hell. So since I was not dehydrated enough I had to pee before leaving. Thusly I used the Porta-Potty that was hotter than the Porta-Potty of Hell (yes, I am sure there is one and it is likely even WORSE than Hell). As I sat there I looked down and realized that I was wearing Underwear by Minion. There were some lovely holes and a rip in all sorts of fun places and I had not realized this until now. I started laughing (I certainly hope no one was around to hear me laughing in there but hey, might as well be the Crazy Dog Show Lady as least I will be remembered). Then I thought about those stickers you see sometimes, you know, Inspected by #48 and thought there should be one that said Inspected by Minion and started laughing harder. Yes, I exited the Porta-Potty laughing and wiping my eyes. Now top that for a better experience in a Porta-Potty!! All thanks to dogs, yes sir-ey!!! Thing 2: So after returning home and before showering myself I had to bathe Kermit and Bazinga. Kermit goes first and there was no interest from the other dogs in his bath. He was all alone. However, I put Bazinga in the shower and from no where under one arm is worried mamma Zsa Zsa and under the other arm is worried Auntie Fancy for the ENTIRE bath looking at me like, You are not hurting her, right? You will be careful!! She NEEDS us to take care of her! So I laughed all the way through Zingss bath and I think Zings did too because of everyone she loves her bath and besides, in no way needs ANYONE to take care of her. So after drying her off and letting her go she had to freeze while Mamma and Auntie Fancy sniffed her all over and made sure I had done nothing untoward to her and then they all ran off. Love my dogs- oh yes I do!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:33:15 +0000

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