SO MANY PEOPLE I KNOW HAVE BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH THIS IT WHAT IT SAYS: Negative and Positive Libra Characteristics Libra is all about balance. Discover Libra body characteristics... By Jacqueline Dautaj Certified Astrologer; NCGR Member The Libra profile is an intriguing one because the seventh sign often appears to be a mass of contradictions. Ads by Google Shutterstock Stock Images Simple & Affordable Pricing, Beautiful images. Start Downloading shutterstock Learning the Libra Profile Just a quick glance at the Libra profile shows the stunning contradictory nature of this sign. Libra wants to stay and go. He longs to be married, yet is happy when single. He desires admiration for his stunning intelligence, but not at the expensive of his charming good looks. Welcome to the land of Libra, where its not a question of either/or, but one of both and all. Confused? Dont be. There is a method to Libras madness, and the best way to truly comprehend the Libra profile is to take into account this signs planetary ruler, Venus, as well as its symbol, the scales of justice. You should also consider this signs quality and element, cardinal and air, respectively. Venus: Venus is Libras ruler, so if youve ever wondered why Libra is so pretty/handsome and charming, this ruler is the reason why. Venus job is to provide charm, grace and beauty, and Libra is often viewed attractively and favorably by others because of this. Libras symbol: Lest you think that Libra is all fluff and no substance, turn your attention to the signs symbol, the scales. As ancient as Egypt, the scales first appeared in the hieroglyphs that lined the ancient pharaohs tombs. The proverbial heart and feather were weighed here, and the outcome determined the mortals entrance, and experience, in the afterlife. To this day, the scales are not only the symbol for bartering (Venus aids in monetary ventures), but also for justice. As a result, Libra is forever weighing two ideals while trying to find the perfect balance between opposing viewpoints. Quality and element: Libra is one of the four cardinal signs, so Libra natives are often in motion, initiating change wherever they see fit. Since this is an air sign, that change is often intellectual in nature. Libra wants you to expand the constructs of the mind; having five different solutions to any potential problem is just one way he does this. Ads by Google Shocking 2014 Horoscope Enter Your Zodiac Sign to Find Out Your Future. So Accurate its Scary! astrologyanswers/Zodiac 1 Rule Of A Flat Stomach Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day using this 1 weird tip. lipopyro Your Free 2014 Horoscope Mind - Blowing. You will be stunned Shockingly Accurate Predictions.OMG life-answers Libras Negative Qualities No Libra profile can be complete without a sampling of the signs more negative qualities. These can include: Narcissism: Make no mistake about it, whether Libra is the sun sign or on the ascendant, narcissism can be a part of this signs makeup. Librans can be very appearance-oriented people, and that appearance begins with themselves. They want to look beautiful and/or handsome and will take as much time as needed to make sure that they look their absolute best. Lest you think that Libra is simply trying to fulfill a huge ego, note that being surrounded by beauty actually helps Libra feel calm and centered. Flirtatious: Librans all but invented the art of flirting, and they will flirt with just about anyone. While its true that practically all the signs flirt, Libra has elevated flirting to quite the art form; you just never know if he or she is flirting with you or simply being nice. Vacillating: One of the hardest things for Libra to do is to make a decision, and no matter what you do, never press these people to make a decision quickly. First, the mere fact that you are pressing them to act quickly only serves to convince them that you are uncouth and uncultured. After all, who makes a decision without carefully weighing all the options? Second, Libras dont like to feel pressured; if they feel, or if its proven, that they made the wrong choice, they will happily blame you for the rest of your life! Third and finally, these natives truly want to come up with the right solution, and they will feel emotionally devastated if they dont Libras Positive Traits The Libra profile also has a lot of wonderful qualities, and they account for a large part of why Libra is often at the top of any dinner party list: Intelligent: Libra is often stunningly bright. Many dont see this trait coming because the signs physical attractiveness is so apparent. However, look beneath the surface, and youll be rewarded with in depth conversations and a quick, sharp wit. Charming: Libra is the very personification of charm. Whether Libra needs to smooth over ruffled feathers or make someone new feel welcomed, this sign excels in any situation where social grace is needed. Solution-oriented: Perhaps one of the very best Libra traits is the fact that this sign is devoted to finding solutions. Libras main goal is to find a solution that happily satisfies all parties because members of this sign truly loathe the thought that anyone walked away from the table feeling unhappy. Quick Libra Facts In addition to these quintessential Libra traits, here are some facts to help you understand Libra at a glance: Duality: Masculine Triplicity: Air Quadruplicity: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Venus Symbol: The scales Keyword: I balance Polarity: Aries Lucky Day: Friday Special Colors: Blue, lavender and most pastel shades Flowers: Rose and hydrangeas
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:03:15 +0000

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