SO THAT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET: YOUR LAND IS YOUR FREEDOM. In 1888, Cecil Rhodes and his men succeeded in enticing Lobengula, King of the Ndebele, into signing a commerce/friendship treaty, commonly known as the Rudd Concession.He was told that, according to the document, he had in fact relinquished his sovereignty and the independence to the Europeans.He was shocked, incredulous. Still, trusting in supposed decency and integrity of the white man, Lobengula set out to correct the situation by appealing to the Queen of England. In his letter, the King summed up his understanding of the Rudd Concession: A document was written and presented to me for signature. I asked what it contained, and was told that in it were my words and words of these men. I put my hand to it.About three months afterwards I heard from other sources that I had given by the document the right of all the minerals of my country ... I have since had a meeting of my Indunas and they will not recognised the paper, as it contained neither my words nor the words of those who got it...I write to you that you may know the truth about this, and may not be deceived...Sir Henry Loch assured him in writing that the men assembled for the purpose of attacking him, but on the contrary are assembled for a peaceful object, namely searching for gold... No mention was made of the fact that the men assembled were not only armed to the teeth , but were also promised and guaranteed land- a minimum of 3000 acres each on successful completion of their mission. TODAY AFTER 50 OF ZAMBIAN INDEPENDENCE: Individuals masquerading as Chiefs/acting,headman and retired government officials (all over Zambia) are still at it . Offering and claiming to give the white man land for a few favours. We are talking land as much as 10,000 hectares ... promising to set up fake bio-fuel projects(sugar and jetropha plantations) and palm oil projects. Read about the Big Concession of Mumbwa...just one day you will see it all. THE DIFFERENCE: Today, the white-man is not just the European he is the Lebanese, the Greek, the Chinese just to name a few he is actually all manner of white man. whilst, the new Kings are just hustlers or common criminals. Like Lex Luther said: You can print money, manufacture diamonds, and people are a dime a dozen, but theyll always need land. Its the one thing theyre not making any more of. What is the use of independence if the indigenous peoples dont own the land.Anything after that is just a tragedy... a damn shame. Read the Lancaster agreement my friends.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:51:46 +0000

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