SO YOU CAN SEPARATE MY COMMENTS FROM STEPHAN CARTERS , ALL OF MY COMMENTS ARE IN UPPER CASE. I AM NOT SCREAMING. I JUST DO NOT WANT TO GET YOU CONFUSED INTO THINKING THAT THE LOWER CASE ADMISSIONS AND AUTOPSY REPORTS BY STEPHAN CARTER MIGHT BE COMING FROM ME. SO NOW THE REAL TRUTH INADVERTENTLY COMES OUT. LOOK AT THE HARD FACTS AND THE REALITY THAT BOTH ALISON REDFORD AND HER CHIEF PROMOTER, STEPHEN CARTER WERE REALLY LIBERALS ALL ALONG, AND IN THEIR DELUSIONS REALLY BELIEVED THAT THE WERE CUT FROM THE CLOTH OF CONSERVATIVES LIKE PETER LOUGHEED IS SO DISGUSTING AND A SLAP IN PETERS FACE; SO NOT ONLY DID WE BUT INTO THIS HOAX, BUT THEY ACTUALLY BOTH ALSO REALLY BELIEVED AND HAD THE DELUSIONS THAT BROUGHT US ALL TO THIS TOTAL FIASCO -- AND IN SPITE OF WHAT HAPPENED --- NEITHER REDFORD NOR STEPHAN CARTER CAN STILL CAN COMPREHEND WHY THEIR DELUSIONS DID NOT WORK IN ALBERTA. ALBERTANS ARE NEITHER LIBERALS/NDPS OR MARXIST/COMMUNIST ELITISTS. WE ARE STILL RED NECK ALBERTANS WITH SOLID BASIC VALUES AND WE HAVE NO USE FOR THE ENTITLEMENTS OF ELITISTS. IF ONLY WE HAD KNOWN. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE NOW COMES THE TRUTH: US-ES RED NECK ALBERTANS ARE TWO LATE SCHMARDT! “Human failings” [WHAT A CROCK -- HUMAN DECEPTIONS WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER CHOICE OF WORDS] played a role in Alison Redford’s political demise, but the close adviser and confidant who played a central role in her ascent to the premier’s office said the Progressive Conservative caucus must also share in the blame. Stephen Carter, who managed Redford’s 2011 leadership campaign,[WHO OBVIOUSLY WAS NOT INNOCENT OR IGNORANT OF THE PLANNED PUBLICITY AND ENGINEERED THE SLANDER WAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE UNSRCUPULOUS SELF RIGHTEOUS DIABOLICAL SLANDER AGAINST THAT LITTLE TOWN PREACHER] said the premier got caught up in the trappings of office, forgetting the people who helped her obtain the PC leadership and the voters who gave her party the mandate to govern two years ago. “To me, that is the Greek tragedy of this. That is her human failing, and she allowed her human failing to get in the way of her potential opportunities,” said Carter, who was a key strategist during the Tory’s election victory in April 2012. Specifically, that failing is: “The expectation that the world owed her this,” he said. Carter said he first met Redford in 1997, when they both worked on the campaign of Jean Charest, who was then leader of the federal Progressive Conservative party. MY INPUT: SO HERE IS THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL. JEAN CHAREST WAS A LIBERAL DISGUISED IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, JUST AS WAS CARTER, AND TO THINK THAT THEY WERE BOTH DELUDED INTO THINKING THAT THEY WERE EVEN CENTRIST AND NOT THE LEFT WING ELITISTS THAT THEY WERE EVENTUALLY EXPOSED TO BE, IS SO EARTH SHAKING, BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY NOT ONLY HAD US FOLLED BUT ACTUALLY EVEN HAD THEMSELVES FOOLED AND DECEIVED. “She mentored me, she led, she taught. She was wicked smart and super nice,” he recalled. MY INPUT: SHE WAS WICKED SMART, AND THAT IS WHY SHE WAS SUCH A SNAKE IN THE GRASS AS ARE THE MAJORITY OF LAWYERS WHO WORK FOR THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. In 2011, Carter said he jumped at the opportunity to run Redford’s bid for the provincial PC job, believing she was a leader in the vein of beloved longtime Alberta premier Peter Lougheed. “She, to me, was a person ... who could change the province for the better and step into Lougheed’s shoes,” he said. MY INPUT: WHAT A DELUSION --- LIKE LOUGHEED???????????????????? WHAT AN INSULT TO PETER LOUGHEED ! Redford criss-crossed the province in a modest Hyundai and had a common touch then, Carter recalled. “In many ways I think I saw the real Alison Redford,” he said. MY INPUT: NOT SO, UNLESS HE HAD MACULAR DEGENERATION Who is she today? “I don’t really know,” Carter said. MY INPUT: MY ACCOUNTANT ONCE SAID TO ME, JOHN, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THE QUET GUY RIGHT NEXT TO YOU IN YOUR OWN OFFICE IS NOT A SERIAL KILLER? Redford’s [ELITIST ENTITLEMENT SELF SERVING EGOTISTICAL DECEPTIVE, SLANDEROUS] fortunes took a drastic turn in recent weeks as news emerged her trip to attend former South African President Nelson Mandela’s funeral cost taxpayers $45,000. Redford announced last week she would personally repay the sum, but continued to be battered by criticisms about her allegedly autocratic leadership style and other allegations of largesse, involving her use of government airplanes. Longtime Calgary MLA Len Webber quit the PC caucus, calling Redford “a bully.” Donna Kennedy-Glans, a cabinet minister from Calgary, followed Webber, criticizing a “culture of entitlement” in the PC party and in the government. Carter, too, believes the party has forgotten the coalition [ AND THE INTEGRITY OF THE PARTY] that elected it, introducing legislation perceived as hostile by the more progressive elements that coalesced around Redford’s leadership campaign. But while support from so-called “red Tories” helped Redford take the PC leadership, there was a disconnect: she started the campaign with the backing of only one sitting MLA. And after the PCs won the 2012 election, caucus never acted on the [DECREPIT AND DECEITFUL] vision Redford laid out for voters, Carter said. “I watched my friends, my colleagues, my peers, complain about schooling, health care, post-secondary education — issues that Alison Redford got elected on, but couldn’t get through. And that’s very disappointing,” he said. The 2012 election was an improbable win handed to the Tories by late-campaign missteps from the opposition Wildrose party, Carter said. SHE AND THE POLITICALLY CORRUPT PC PARTY ONLY WON BECAUSE OF THE SLIMY SLANDER THAT THEY HAD IN THEIR QUIVER ALL ALONG AND SPEWED OUT LIKE VOMIT ON OUR DOORSTEPS WITH THE HELP OF THE LIBERAL LEFT WING MEDIA WHO MILKED THE STATEMENTS OF ONE LITTLE REMOTE TOWN PREACHERS AND DECEIVED US INTO THINKING HE WAS THE ENTIRE THRUST OF THE WHOLE WILD ROSE PARTY, AND UNBEKNOWNST TO US IT WAS REDFORD AND HER BLINDFOLDED PUPPETS WHO THEN PROCEEDED TO SCORCH ALL OF US AS THEY HAVE THROWN US INTO THEIR OWN HOME BUILT LAKE OF FIRE. It was the latest in a string of improbable victories when the PCs seemed at a crossroads, like Ralph Klein’s 1993 election win after succeeding the unpopular Getty administration. Carter said he doubts Redford’s successor will be able to do it again because the party’s problems run deeper than who the leader is.THE SEWER RUNS DEEPER THAN ANY CITY SEWER WE HAVE EVER INSTALLED INTO ANY CITY IN ALBERTA. “This is a party that exists solely to govern and to win and has lost its way. They’ve forgotten to respect the voters of Alberta,” he said. THEY HAVE NOT LOST IT, THEY THREW THE BABY [ALISON REDFORD] OUT WITH THEIR DIRTY BATHWATER. EVEN THE SEWERS WILL NEED CLEANSING NOW BECAUSE THE STENCH COMING FROM THE POLITICALLY CORRUPT PC PARY CANNOT BE OVERCOME WITH SEMANTICS AND DUPLICITOUS AND DISINGENUOUS PROCLAMATIONS OF EVEN THE BEST OF ORATORS, WHICH DAVE HANCOCK IS NOT.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:26:58 +0000

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