SOCIALIST OWEN JONES EXPLAINS THE GAZA DEMONSTRATION FIXATION “Oxford University graduate and media-socialist, Owen Jones (a son of self-described Trotskyists), said that there haven’t been any demonstrations against the Islamic State (IS), the jihadists in Syria, etc. because people demonstrate against governments, not groups.... they demonstrate in order to change government policy in a given region...Leftists have never demonstrated against a single Muslim/Islamic state. They didn’t demonstrate against what happened in the Sudan in the 1990s and early 2000s. They’ve never demonstrated against Pakistan’s treatment of Christians or its support of terrorism. They’ve never demonstrated against the gay-killing theocracy of Iran. They never demonstrated against Muslim-Brotherhood-controlled Egypt and its persecution of Copts and other minorities.... Leftists never demonstrated against the Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea, or even against Pol Pot.... Owen Jones says that people have demonstrated against Israel because the UK government arms that country. But our country also arms Pakistan to the teeth. It has also armed Saudi Arabia and many oppressive refigimes.... “.... International Socialist Jew-hatred pre-dates the founding on Israel by some one hundred years or so.... it also pre-dated the formation of the National Socialist German Workers Party (in 1920) by some fifty or so years... “...Leftists aren’t really against Israel because of Gaza or Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. They’re against Israel! Full stop. And they’re against Israel for two primary reasons: Israel is a capitalist democracy. Israel is a a state primarily for Jews.... “.... because Israel is a new state, the Left has always believed it can do it severe damage.... Many Leftists would like to destroy the capitalist democracies of the UK and the US too. However, they think that their chances of helping destroy Israel are far more likely...” brennerbrief/socialist-owen-jones-explains-the-gaza-demonstration-fixation/
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:08:56 +0000

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