SODA; ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS LIQUIDS (Fluids) CONSUMED Soda is one of the worst poisons that is globally accepted and consumed as a NORMAL beverage. The phosphoric acid weakens bones and teeth. The artificial sweeteners make you crave more and food dyes impair brain function and leads to hyperactivity. Sodas, specifically Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola and their sub products are filled with numerous deadly, infective poisons and toxins and drastically affects the human brain and its capabilities while deteriorating health often leading to several diseases. When Coca Cola, originally founded by a morphine addict, was introduced, the beverage contained cocaine as an ingredient to hook its clients and this is being done in a similar fashion today with aspartame, although some say aspartame, recently renamed Aminosweet, is more deadly. Aspartame was declared illegal at one point, but Donald Rumsfeld, also a heavy participant in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, lobbied and made the horrible dangerous substance legal ultimately leading it to be distribution globally in heavily marketed and consumed products. Aspartame has side effects such as Decreased vision, headaches, migraines, epileptic seizures, seven depression, irritability, phobia, severe PMS, hyperactivity in children, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer(s), Chronic Fatigue System, Fibromyalgia, Birth defects, mental retardation, and more. Aspartame is also massively used and consumed in Artificial Sweeteners like Splenda, Sweet N Low, and more. Coca-Cola and other sodas can be used as a toxic household cleaner, it removes rust, grease, and blood stains from clothing and fabric, kills slugs and snails due to its toxicity, can clean an engine or car battery, and certainly does NOT belong in the human body! Recently, Coca-Cola might be required to put cancer labels on their products. Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and its affiliates have used brilliant marketing techniques accompanied by violent, racist, and unethical business practices to create a mind blowing fortune for the executives involved. Powerade and Vitamin Water are subordinates to Coca-Cola. These are TERRORIST COMPANIES guilty of many human rights violations, mass murder, and the spread of disease along with a down shift on consciousness. There is over 100 Million gallons of Cola consumed everyday and it takes up much useful, clean, water that can be distributed to the thirsty and areas that need it instead of using it to create poison. There have been many protests and marches against Coca-Cola and other Soda Companies. In India and other places, these products are used as PESTICIDES and sprayed because they are cheaper and just as effective in the poisoning globalists agenda 21 depopulation program degrading human beings intelligence and capabilities. Other products, sub-products/related products with similar effects and strategies are Gatorade, the horrific Monster Energy Drink and Red Bull, Sprite, Fanta, 7 Up, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, Cream Soda, Hawaiian Punch, Grape Soda, Orange Soda, Gingerale, and others. The fructose in soda is more harmful than led to believe. The Plastic Bottles also contain dozens of toxic ingredients similar to water bottles and the aspartame situation in this circumstance is directly related, correlated, and similar to the fluoridation of drinking water globally. It is a necessity for human beings globally to have access to clean, distilled, non-fluoride water and alternative drinks can be fruit and vegetable juices, teas, and natural sweeteners often preferred are stevia or stevia-like. This will help deteriorate and eliminate disease, rise consciousness, promote love, and expand intelligence globally. Www.GodWinsAlways.BlogSpot.Com , Peace and LOVE Always!!! Please Share... MOVIES https://youtube/watch?v=LH0r84W3LgU WEBSITES naturalnews/045975_soda_high-fructose_corn_syrup_labels.html
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:11:45 +0000

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