SOLEMNITY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) Holy Day of Obligation DECEMBER 25: It is God the only Son, who is close to the Fathers heart, who has made him known (v 18). (Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 98; Hebrews 1:1-6) JOHN 1:1-18 John did not record the nativity of our Lord in his gospel. Instead, he began with a mystical hymn to Christ (compare Colossians 1:15-20; Philippians 2:6-11; and 1 Timothy 3:16, an early creed). John takes us back to the beginning (Gn 1:1), to the preexistent Christ, the eternal Word (Greek, Logos). The Word of God was expressed in the creation of the universe, in divine wisdom, in the law revealed on Sinai, and in the word spoken through the prophets. Now Gods Word was manifested in the Incarnation of Christ. In his flesh, Jesus embodied and revealed Gods Word; he was divine wisdom personified. Through Christs creative word all things were brought to life (Jn 1:3). He was the great liberator, like Moses, who set men and women free from the restraints of sin (8:32). He was the divine light that cast out darkness by the light of truth (12:46). John the Baptist was the herald of Gods Word. He came to testify to its truth so that all who believed in Christ might find life through him. Jesus came into our world so that we can come into his world. Father-God behaves in most extraordinary ways! The birth of Jesus shows how unpredictable He is. The Savior of the world is born in a stable, at the back of an inn, in the remotest part of the world, to parents of no particular fame, from a town which was anything but special! The more we think about it, the less credible it seems. Every year we celebrate this day. Perhaps we have become used to the idea and the strangeness has gone. And yet stranger things happen: Jesus’ hidden life, choosing fishermen, wrangling with Pharisees, eating with sinners, touching lepers, suffering, dying and rising. Perhaps, it’s not so strange and so hard to believe that He loves the world and each one of us in it —that He loves even me. Today’s gospel says: “In him was life and this life was the light of the human race, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Yes, Jesus is truly the light of the world. He enlightens everyone who comes into this world. He shines in the darkness of egoism and selfishness. Through his life as a human being he showed us the kind of life that everyone must live. Despite our self-centeredness and selfishness, there is a desire in each one of us to get out of our selves, a desire to live a life in service for the others. But we fail to do it because we insist on living in self-concern and selfishness. The celebration of Christmas reminds us that God who is love showed us what it means to love. He got out of himself, and shared himself with us through his Word which became man in Jesus. Becoming man like us, he has given us an example that also we must get out of ourselves, forget our self-concern and put ourselves at the service of others, and in so doing we put into practice our Christian vocation as true children of God our Father. By following the example of Jesus, we, too, become examples to others, we become like stars that shine in the darkness of egoism and selfishness. How can I share the gift of Jesus on this Christmas day? Thank you Heavenly Father for revealing your Word through your Son, Jesus. Amen…
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:28:39 +0000

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