SOME HILARIOUS COMMENTS by ExomatrixTV aka John Kuhles taken from - TopicsExpress


SOME HILARIOUS COMMENTS by ExomatrixTV aka John Kuhles taken from this video: ~MSM Mainstream = Shamestream & Lamestream Media: ABC = All Bullshit Channel - AP = Associated Propaganda - CBS = See BS - FOX = Full of Xenophobia - BBC = British Brainwashing Corporation - CNN = Crap Not News NBC = Nothing But Crap - UPI = United Puss International - Reuters = Royal Evil United Through Enslaving Republic Sheep! ~Conspiracy Vision Quest 2.0: Let me tell you why I am here. I am here because I am aware of something. What I feel I can not explain, but you can sense it. I have felt it my entire life, that theres something huge coming to this world. I do not know exactly what that is, but its there, like a splinter in my mind, driving me sane in an insane world telling me I am mad. Because I sense I have been here before trying to escape the Time Loop Trap of Dualistic Thinking. ~it was NEVER EVER about a need for a movement but for people to network, inspire, motivate, help each-other, stimulate, being aware we do not have to like some one to appreciate the effort to make a difference waking up the comatosed mass-brainwashed sheeple. And yes everybody can make mistakes, overreact or exaggerate ... getting emotional! I rather have people who are GENUINE ANGRY & UPSET than people who want to play it safe or to be more acceptable to fit in. When Freedom Radiates & Truth Resonates, Tyranny Falls. Big Brother Surveillance Society is NOT there to protect you, but to protect the NWO Mafia, they know YOU gonna be -Mad as Hell- about their abuse of power ! Hijacked Governments Legalize Corporate Crimes & Criminalizing Real Solutions: Suppressed inventions & Alternative Cures, google When Healing Becomes a Crime & Hemp Revolution corporatism = police enforcing new insane unconstitutional laws & regulations serving NWO Tyranny! ... trying to use the guilt trick, trying to control the conversation with fake shock tactics? ... wanting to get attention because you can not deal with it? .... how were you raised when things does not go the way YOU want it go, what kind of sick strategies you use to manipulate others? and blaming others for your own lack of intelligence? or self-esteem? if you truly need help you can skype me, but you are most likely just a wannabe troll not having any success whatsoever! ~since when is it about faith? come on, 1st: trust has to be earned not given! 2nd: playing nice is the death of (self)honesty. 3rd. being shocked that most conspiracy-researchers are fed up with tribalism & us vs them or guilty by association crap or ANY form of demonizing, cheap name callings, telling others what to do or else you are a shill or with the enemy etc. ALL KINDS OF INSINUATIONS will lead to endless discussions leading to nowhere and most are FED UP with that! ~you are most likely on Anti-Depressants Prozac Ritalin + consumed to much Fluoride on top of that you may have taken Vaccinations with Mercury in it, not to mention MSG & other GMO Food Additives +Monsanto Pesticides, that explains the lack of Higher Brain functions aka Cognitive Reasoning! ~study: Chemical Dumbing Down Of Society - Dr. Russell Blaylock (do a google video search) ~woops I used the word study :|that is an oxymoron, a Catch 22, if you could, we would not have this conversation! --- ~you suppose to be numb & dumb about this. what you just saw is a very tiny fraction of the NWO Tyranny going on incrementally (google search what the metaphor boiling frogs means) using YOUR TAX (slave) money to enslave you further & more sophisticated! Study what corporatism & totalitarianism is. see the mix of Aldous Huxley Brave New World & George Orwell 1984 is now happening IN YOUR FACE! still (willful ignorant?) people say: Im not really sure what to make of this ~am Dutch (have some German & Hungarian Genes in my family) but most are from The Netherlands ... speak 4 languages. am pro-active since 1990 making Alternative Media in Amsterdam, organizing conferences & co-founder of Exposure Magazine & Frontier Magazine dealing with suppressed news, cover ups, conspiracy research, alternative cures, suppressed inventions, secret societies, cults, mind-control, black-ops anything THEY do not want you to know ;) cheers, John
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 00:09:01 +0000

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