SOME STUDIES IN THE RECREATED SPIRIT THERE must be a new approach to the study of psychology. The teaching of Professor James of Harvard on mind has made profound impression upon the minds of the students in this. Here is a quotation from Professor James, copied from The Psychology of Orthodoxy, by E. L. House, (page 62.) It (the subconscious mind) is the abode of everything that is latent, the reservoir of everything that passes unrecorded or unobserved. It contains, for example, such things as all our momentarily inactive memories, and it harbors the springs of all our obscurely motivated passions, impulses, likes, dislikes, and prejudices; our intentions, hypotheses, fancies, superstitions, persuasions, convictions, and in general all our non-rational operations come from it. It is the source of our dreams, and apparently they may return to it. In it arise whatever mystical experience we may have, and our automatism, sensory or motor; our life in hypnotic and hypnoidal conditions, if we are subject to such conditions; our delusions, fancies, ideas, and hysterical accidents, if we are hysteric subjects; our supra-normal cognitions, if such there be, and if we are telepathic subjects. It is also the fountain head of much that feeds our religion. In persons deep in the religious life, as we have abundantly seen - and this is my conclusion - the door into this region seems unusually wide open; at any rate, experiences making their entrance through that door have had emphatic influence in shaping religious history. In the above quotation you notice they are unable to locate the subconscious mind, or tell what it is. They give it credit for doing things that only the human spirit can do. But they do not know that man is a spirit. Dr. House states that the subconscious mind is greater by far than the conscious mind. He tells us the part that it plays in man. He tells us that it is the store house for memory. He quotes this scripture, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Here he comes very close to the real truth of the subject. We know that all the knowledge that has been gained down through the ages has come to us through our five senses (apart from Revelation Knowledge.) All students are conscious of the limitations of Sense Knowledge. Careful students recognize that there is a spiritual as well as a mental and a physical man. Few have realized that the spirit is the real man. They do not understand that when God created man He created him in His own image and likeness. God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and reality. That is a striking statement, but it fits into the picture perfectly. Man has a mind that receives all of its impulses from the five senses. The mind has no creative ability. It cannot invent. It can experiment, as in chemistry, but it cannot develop anything that its senses have not already brought to it. The imagination can only build pictures out of the material the five senses have brought to it. The natural human mind has no creative element in it. The thing that first acquainted me with the limitations of Sense Knowledge was the fact that none of the heathen nations have ever needed a patent law or a copyright law. I knew that the people of India, Japan and China had as fine an intellect as any of the Anglo-Saxon races. I knew that the old Greek minds were on the same plane, if not above the modern natural man. I knew that the Arabic, and all of the vast armies of peoples in the East, have fine intellects. Why have they never created anything? Why were there never any inventors or great scientists among them? They have produced Metaphysicians and Philosophers, but they have never produced a creative or an inventive personality. Then I saw this fact, the mechanical Renaissance started after Germany began to receive Eternal Life. It spread into the Scandinavian Peninsula when they received Eternal Life. It gripped England, and she began to create and invent following the receiving of Eternal Life. I noticed another thing, that the countries governed by State Churches, where there are no Non-Conformists, show little creative ability. For example, Spain, Northern Ireland, Portugal and Italy were far behind England, Germany, and the Scandinavian Peninsula. This awakened me. Slowly the truth began to dawn upon my consciousness. There had been no creative ability until Christianity had been introduced. This Eternal Life did something to the converts. Did it do something with their mind? No. The mind is not recreated, but is still subjected to the senses. I then began to study about the recreated human spirit. As you know, the part of man that receives Eternal Life in the New Birth, is the human spirit. He possesses the same mind he had before he was Born Again. In Romans 12:1-2 a suggestion is made, I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. I asked, Paul, why do you want the human body presented as a living sacrifice? The answer was, Because it is the home of the five senses. The five senses have been the tutors of the brain. The brain has no way of acquiring knowledge but through these senses. We have discovered that the brain has no creative function or ability. It can grasp the messages of the senses, correlate and classify them. It can arrange this knowledge so that it can and will be utilized to advantage. Wisdom The most startling thing that we discovered was that the brain cannot give wisdom. The five senses cannot give wisdom. We know that wisdom is the ability to use knowledge to advantage. From whence did this ability come? Then I saw that the recreated human spirit has access to wisdom and certain kinds of ability that the natural human spirit does not have. I saw that love is a product of the recreated human spirit. It was hard for me to realize that the natural human heart cannot produce a love similar to the love of the recreated human spirit. I saw that what we call natural human love is born of selfishness. Natural man is governed almost entirely by selfishness. His ambitions are born largely of selfishness. Then the question arose, Why is it that the recreated human spirit has a new kind of love? The answer was obvious. God recreated the human spirit by imparting His own nature to it. The recreated man has Gods nature and ability. Then I understood 1 Cor. 1:30, Christ is made unto us wisdom from God. I saw that the key note of Pauls prayer in Ephesians and Colossians was that we might have wisdom. I discovered that there are two kinds of wisdom. There is the wisdom that Satan gives to man; it is a cunning, subtle, devilish type of wisdom. We see it in the world today, manifesting itself in lying, deceit, and crooked dealing. No heathen country has Gods wisdom or ability. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. When he gives to man his ability, it will be a deceptive, dishonest ability. Only in the recreated human spirit do we find Gods wisdom and ability. THE HIDDEN MAN Kindly share this post
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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