SOME TRAVEL TIPS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 1. Do perform Sunnah Safar - TopicsExpress


SOME TRAVEL TIPS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 1. Do perform Sunnah Safar prayer 2 rakaah before leaving the home. This is where we set our intention to travel for the sake of Allah. So, if it is Allah’s qadar to put death for us during the journey, we pray for a good ending. Amin. 2. Bring some Quran and Tasbih (or any other things you prefer), to donate to any mosques we’ve stopped by for prayer. Leave it there with an intention to please Allah. And may we too, get the rewards of those who uses them while praying in that mosque, inshaAllah. 3. Do read up on Jama’ Qasar Prayer- because these are Allah’s sadaqah to the Ummah while travelling. Protect our prayer, till death. 4. Bring your silver (dirham) & gold (dinar) coins, wherever you go, and start talking about it to people. Gold and Silver is the real Sunnah money, and try to transact them too! Cause I believe, people with pure heart will accept the fitrah of this coin, because it is made by Allah, the One and Only. 5. Above all, ZIKIR. Just because we are enjoying and having so much fun, we forgot the soul of life- zikir :the remembrance of Allah. Do wet our tongue with Allah’s names and praises. Only by His permission, we are able to experience the world. Only by His mercy, we are able to taste the wonder of His creation.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:44:05 +0000

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