SOME WOMEN WANTS TO BE A MAN IN A RELATIONSHIP Circumstances have caused Women to be placed into roles that were not designed for them, and because of that, and in addition to subscribing to certain mentalities, we have a lot of role play going on in our communities. The “Independent Mindset” has made many women delusional (thinking she is “the man”) thus creating power struggles in our households. No man wants to feel like his wife is competing with him; every time he comes home there is a head butting match going on. Here she is telling him,” anything you can do I can do better”. Really? Well NATURALLY produce your own sperm and impregnate yourself! Let’s stop with this “I don’t need a man nonsense”, and if we are married or seeking marriage, before you talk about what the “ideal husband” is, make sure you are an “ideal WIFE” FIRST. When a man asks a woman to marry him he is asking her to be his wife. He is asking her to submit to him, He is asking her to trust him, to respect his role, and understand her role as it relates to marriage. He is asking her to birth his legacy. He is asking her to stand by him and encourage him. He is asking her to be his helpmeet. When a woman says “yes” to a marriage proposal, she is saying “yes I trust you to lead me and our children”, “yes I trust you to protect us, and make the best decisions for us as a family”, “yes I trust you to be the head of our household”, “yes I will extend your life and build a legacy with you by giving you children”, “yes I will submit to you”, “yes I will be your HELPMEET”. What is a helpmeet? As a wife it means you HELP your HUSBAND, you HELP him MEET his goals and you HELP him MEET and increase his potential to succeed. Whatever your husband needs you to be, whether it is his secretary, his PR, his researcher, his accountant or his administrative assistant you cheerfully assist him. So many women want a man that’s already “arrived” they miss out on the beautiful journey of helping him “get there.”
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:50:13 +0000

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