SOMETHING MAYBE YOU DONT KNOW OR EVEN HAVE SEEN OF NOT ONLY MY MEMORY BUT OURS THAT BELONG TO US AND ONLY US... I didnt know even when I was walking through the gates of hell to kick the door open on that fkr long ago that nobody has to believe or ever know even but God but when I kicked that door open at the time I did so and kicked his azz he begged me never to come fk him and all of his demons up again like I did for the hearts I loved and scared for to protect them all which ends up changing the world as only my truest soldiers in heaven and in the military know I did and why for it will change the world to protect so many even at the loss of my heart or risk to myself would I do it all over again for only if the love of my life and my children as the only blessing it seemed at the time God so blessed me with when I was on my journey in life blind to even know who or what my heart was able to feel for myself so if you want to know why I am closing down shop and why I would walk as slow but slower back through the gates of hell if I had to go all over again with a choice would I do so even slower then the last time to take down the rest of the demons he has sent at me and the world for this time I would only go do it allover again because one lady and the most beautiful woman on this earth said she loved me just as once with no songs or no hello in person but with her hearts whispers for me long ago in some field of grass where I was only happy for that very moment in my life being able not to dream then even but I was pouring out my love truly and honestly for my 2 children at that very moment she came through in her little red dress on and my dreams that I never was able to have before then and soon after have I never been able to dream fighting these wars of unknown only to me it seems still for I fought,,I fought ,, I fought and I fought I fought and I fought and I got hurt real real real real bad to where I couldnt remember even who I was the whole time with fire tears rolling off my face in sadness and sorrows of pain that I couldnt even have one single dream never mind have them to ever become true or ever have anybody so much believe in me to make them dreams if I had one come true with me,,But i fought and I fought and I fought being hurt so bad in blindness of what maybe I was in search of love and for me only to one time have one single dream of love for my heart in hopes one day if I kept my faith being blind even from long before the moment tis beautiful woman n true lady came through to say she loved me on that very day where it was the only thing for my light and warmth to have held my heart in place to not have come true in life but only to have one more single dream of her love and how she looked on that very day to have her truly be in love with me for one day to become n stay true like never before and like how true all of me being hurt so bad fighting for her love and to protect many more from the unknown that some didnt even care to take notice I still fought to only have one glimpse of her in her red dress long ago not being able back then to only see her beautiful face as an innocent young lady or young child as she was dressed in red when I fell to my knees that day upon the grass where she took my breath away at that very moment with her just so whispering she loves me and saw of me playing so free and innocently with my daughter and my son that very day to say not only to my heart and my soul but to show me with her beautiful eyes it will all be worth it because all the lies dont matter of what n how many tried to say them for as she told me she loved me with only a childish whisper from her beautiful heart I heard her say to my heart with those whispers which I do not know she knows even she spoke to me that it will all be worth it because you will search but you will find me again in this life I promise and that promise came through the wind from her soul where I would never ever lie of or about whether my lady knows she spoke such true words of whisper or not but when I fell to the ground on my knees and rolled over on my back not from the fights or being hurt but because of her love she whispered not only will I find her again n she will always love me with all of her true innocent heart whether she knows she did or not or she can see it now or saw it back then,,she whispered to me of the only one who ever spoke up for me and my soul the way she spoke up for me at that very moment when so many and all were lying and either trying to hurt me through my children she spoke to me and said love you and I know your a good dad so dont you ever give up Sir,,she said with whisper that she loves me and didnt call me by my name when I fell to the ground and had to catch my breath as my heart stopped right then and there,she said to me dont you ever give up on true love and you are a Good Dad for those babies I see you with right now and as she was only such a beautiful young lady herself with beautiful blonde hair that her love and her hair even blinded me in ways that only took my breath away at that very moment like never before but I could not see her smile even I just heard her heart and her voice with her hair blinding me to only hear her dance upon my soul to speak what you spoke my lady and when you did that and at that very moment when all brought cruel at my face and eyes to blind me in lies and evil cruel ways of wicked you only saved me by the way your voice spoke the truest love my soul has ever heard any one speak and show to my heart and as your hair being so beautiful and brilliantly blonde blinded me to love and true love only at that very moment left me blind to only true love in search for every moment to see it or just to dream about having it once more to only have been able to see to allow me to see her beautiful face and her eyes that I could not see when she spoke those whispers of how she told me right then she loved me for being that blind at that very moment because of her love and that hair she had so curly on her red dress did I picture more then the most beautiful angel I have ever witnessed that she spoke of the truest purest love I have ever even heard such one single word of and right when I was with the only blessings from God I had ever received truly which were my children which he speaking she loved me and I was a good dad dont ever give up for it will all be worth it when it is over did I fight and I fight and I fight and I fought to only have such my first dream of her and her love again never to know being blind from her love would be the only thing that was ever to save me from all the wicked and evil that came against me in those fights which without her love would of taken more then my dreams it would of taken my life and heart beats if she wasnt there that very moment on that grass to tell me she loved me and to never give up,,well guess what,I made it back to life again,I had one to many dreams of your love now,,and I not only know who you are now but I would go back and more then fight the devil all over again with having 2 of them if by choice it would of let me just dream of your love once or one time like it has being blind to it all over again would I do it again and again and again would I so do it until you loved me forever and never left me now that I finally found you to see you once more in my dreams even....DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WITH OUT A CAMERA,A PICTURE,,A WORD,,,OR EVEN OF EYES SIGHT THAT IT TAKES TO LOOK UPON YOU OF HOW MUCH I TRULY DO LOVE YOU WITHOUT EVER HAVING EVEN SO MY VERY OWN EYES ONLY MY HEART AND SOUL TO HAVE KNOWN YOU AND YOUR LOVE BUT ALSO TO TRULY LOVE YOU,,,,DO YOU REALLY KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU MY LADY AND WHY MY HEART CAME TO SEE YOU ONE MORE TIME EVEN IF IN THE FIRST DREAMS I HAVE EVER TRULY HAD....DO your truly remember being here in this memory as such a young beautiful lady while I was running and pouring out all of my love to my daughter and my first born son on the grass where all the kids were playing with them as their friends you came through not by accident or crime to steal my love at that very moment but to protect my heart and love that was always truly inside of my heart and my soul,,did you or do know this happened between us long before even any high school classes you may have even had or so much as me ever even knowing of true love except for my children,,,do you know this happened and you did this my lady,,,HOW COULD YOU HAVE KNOWN BECAUSE I KNEW IT HAPPENED BUT I DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS YOU WHO DID THIS TO MY AND FOR MY HEART UNTIL RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT I SPEAK IT TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH MY TRUEST WORDS I HAVE EVER SPOKEN IT ALOUD RIGHT NOW MY BEAUTIFUL LITTLE YOUNG LADY PARIS WHO CAME THAT DAY TO SAVE ME N MY HEART,,,HOW COULD YOU HAVE KNOWN WHEN IT IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER SPOKEN IT OUT LOUD TO ANYBODY IN THEIR ENTIRE WORLD,,GOD KNOWS IT IS ONLY AND ALL TRUE SO HOW YOUR HEART HANDLES IT FROM HERE IS HOW I DREAM OR FOR EVER HAVE ANOTHER DREAM TO OPEN OR CLOSE MY HEART OFF FOR GOOD IF I CAN NOT HAVE ONLY DREAMS OF YOUR LOVE FOR IF I HAD YOUR LOVE AND HAD TO FIGHT FOR IT AND THAT CAUSED ME TO LOSE IT THEN I DONT EVER WANNA DREAM AGAIN SO I HOPE FINDING YOU AGAIN KEEPS YOUR HEART KNOWING THIS BOY AND MAN NOW IS THE ONLY ONE TRULY WHO GETS TO SHARE AND HAVE YOUR LOVE FOR ETERNITY NOW TO ALWAYS PROTECT AND KEEP YOUR HEART AS A SACRED TEMPLE OF GOD WHICH IT HAS BEEN TO MY SOUL FOR MORE THEN YEARS OF THIS LIFETIME ALREADY..IF WE DONT MEET AND IT WAS NOT ME FOR YOUR LOVE TO LET ME HAVE THE FIRST CHANCE TO HOLD YOU TAKE AWAY MORE JUST YOUR LOVE ROM MY HEART FOR ANY SUCCESS IN MY LIFE OR OF ANYTHING WHICH LIFE HAS MEANING ABOUT,,YOU LEAVE AND NOT ONLY TAKE MY DREAMS WITH YOU TO KEEP FOREVER BUT YOU KEEP ONLY WHAT WAS ALWAYS ONLY THE TRUTH OF ME N MY HEART OF TRULY WHO I HAVE ONLY HAVE EVER BEEN BECAUSE YOU WALKED INTO MY LIFE WITH WHISPER OF YOUR LOVE IN THE WIND THAT VERY DAY AND VERY MOMENT I SPEAK OF HERE EVEN IF YOUR MEMORY HAS BEEN LOST THIS IS THE TRUEST AND ONLY MEMORY I HAVE EVER HAD TO HOLD ONTO AND KEPT ME ALIVE IN SEARCH OF WHO IT WAS THAT DID THIS TO LOVE ME SO MUCH TO SAVE MY HEART ON THAT DAY BY STEALING MY LOVE IN THE GRASS WHEN I FELL TO MY KNEES IN LOVE WITH HER ON THAT VERY DAY WHEN SHE ONLY SMILED AND I COULDNT SEE SUCH HER SMILE BUT HER HER HEART N SOUL MORE THEN JUST SMILE AT ME USING NOT EVEN MY EYES TO SEE HER LOVE,,,YOUR LOVE MY LADY PARIS,,,YOUR LOVE SAVED MORE THEN JUST MY LIFE OR MY HEART SO I HOPE YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT MY EYES ARE TO DO IF THEY HAVE TO GO BACK TO BEING BLIND WITHOUT YOU NEAR ME ALL THE TIME ETERNITY ALLOWS NOW..
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 02:33:18 +0000

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