SOMETIMES, I JUST WISH …. FOR SOMEONE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I am so sick of figuring out EVERYTHING myself. Only me to make the decisions. Only me to move this business ahead. Only me to make shit happen. And if I don’t do it, then the business slows down. Becomes stagnant. So I have to keep moving. Like a mouse on a wheel. Like, I am RUNNING. I am working HARD. Trying to make shit happen and damn, it feels SO SLOW! IT FEEL LIKE I PUSH SO DAMN HARD Am I pushing people away? Are people GETTING what I am saying? Or am I coming across like a big ol’ dork. Not that I (really) care, cause I am a nerd. But am I likeable? Hmmmmm…. I HAVE SUCH BIG DREAMS FOR THIS BUSINESS. There is always the latest idea for world cupcake domination. For that new product line, new cake flavour, new photo’s shoot, or selling pre-packaged food, trying out Gluten Free, oh! And updating that website…. Eventually. Oh, and I KNOW I’m suppose to ‘network’. But I HATE that stuff. And go out & ‘authentically’ connect with people of influence. Go to the next expo, meet up with some wedding co-ordinators, join the council morning tea’s or some such jazz. Nope. I’m not doing that. I hate people. (Ok, I don’t hate them, but not a people person. I get so anxious in new social situations. Who do I talk to? What do I say? I want to hide behind my kids or cake!) I just want to bake cakes. CAN’T I JUST BAKE CAKES. Looking at an Excel spreadsheet makes me run in the other direction. I am the crafty,left-hand brain person. Admin, emails and book keeping if not my shit. That can be done LAST. AND WHERE ARE MY NEXT CUSTOMERS COMING FROM. I need to hustle, to fill up my weeks. I need to know that I have money coming in (and can’t stand the thought of another fight with my partner.) I LOVE CAKE. CAN’T THEY SEE THAT? It is a business, god damn it. (It just doesn’t make money.) Right, money …. Hmmm, I wonder where to get me some of that? If our long term goals of buying our own bit of land and house are to EVER happen, I need to MAKE it happen. THIS BUSINESS NEEDS TO BE SUCCESSFUL. I need to MAKE it successful. And it feels like pushing shit up a hill. *crap* Oh, just a little bit of help, would rock. Be really, REALLY nice. I HAVE THE DREAM. I KNOW WHAT I WANT. I just need someone to help me. Oh, sweet cheeks. I hear you & I can help. That Cake Business DREAM? It can be your REALITY. You need to allow it to be. That MONEY & SUCCESS? It is right around the corner. It is JUST out of arm’s length. (Can you feel it?) This is why I created CAKE BUSINESS SCHOOL. To HELP turn your DREAMS INTO REALITY. I KNOW how much hard work this business is. It feels like a contact struggle to always have your crap together. And sometimes it falls apart. And we feel ALONE. And no one else GETS IT, do they? Us Cakers. We are different. We are SPECIAL. We are ENTREPRENEURS. We see BIG DREAMS and the big picture. We work hard, while sacrificing time with our family. We do it FOR OUR FAMILY. We do it FOR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. For some money in the bank. For the love of cake. For ourselves, for once in our lives. And those nay-sayers? The partners, parents, friends who don’t get it? And tell us to go get a ‘real’ job? To go get a better paying job? That this isn’t a job??? ARE YOU SERIOUS! THIS is my job. THIS is my LIFE. THIS is my happy place! ‘’Let her sleep, because tomorrow she will move mountains.’’ ~unknown I would rather work 80 hours per week for MYSELF, then work 40 hours per week for SOMEONE ELSE. But, you know what would be better? Working less. And making as much (if not more!) AND I CAN’T WAIT TO SHOW THOSE PEOPLE. Hey, look at my freaking spectacular cake. Look at how much money I am earning. Look at my success MOFO. In. Your. Face. Yep, I can’t wait…. And CAKE BUSINESS SCHOOL, I can’t wait! It’s coming {soon}! Very VERY soon, in the next 2 weeks. It will open for enrolments for a VERY short period of time.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 21:41:08 +0000

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