SOUL WINNING – THE REAL WORK OF THE CHURCH The greatest need - TopicsExpress


SOUL WINNING – THE REAL WORK OF THE CHURCH The greatest need in the church today is that of SOUL WINNING. The church needs people who are willing to talk about Christ and His gospel. However, the kind of passion for souls as displayed by the first century Christians seems completely lacking in most congregations today. “And every day, in the temple and at home, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus as the Christ.” (Acts 5:42”. The early church was involved in a daily evangelism. The “ceased not” to teach and preach Jesus as the Christ. Even when persecution came upon the church, “they therefore that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4). Somehow, we have misplaced our values. It seems that many are more interested in impressing people than implanting principles. Some, it seems, are afraid of offending folks with plain talk about the commands of the gospel. We must, however, get our values in proper perspective. NOTHING is more valuable than a soul. (Matt. 16:26). Our personal popularity is worthless compared to the soul of a friend or relative. Jesus was not running a popularity contest and neither must we. The mission of the Master is the mission of the church. Jesus said, “for the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Lk. 19:10). Soul winning is therefore the real work of the church. The various acts of worship such as singing and praying are important, but the real work of the church is not passing the communion trays or ushering. These things are helpful and necessary, but the work of the church is to seek the lost. There is no such thing as a congregation where there is no work for everyone. There is something for every member of the body to do… each one can win one. This does not mean every member must teach a study. One can tell the story of Jesus on the job, at coffee break, at play, or in a home just drinking coffee There are opportunities every day to influence someone for the good and to direct ones thinking toward God and His word. Our problem , often times, is that we do not see and seize our opportunity’ We need to “THINK SOULS”, overcome fears and discouragement, and through constant prayer see the urgency and importance of soul winning.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:43:58 +0000

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