SOUTHERN NIGERIA HYPOCRISY ON NIGERIAN UNITY AND THE FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL QUESTION: The hidden interests and businesses of Hypocritical southern Nigerian politicians, traditional rulers, Elder statesmen, Activists ,leftists, Ethnic Self-determination movements, Labour activists and leadership, Student movements, the media organizations, political parties and the others were one of the fundamental reasons, the Nigerian national question remain unresolved. No matter whatever arguments anybody is putting forward for the sake of one Nigeria, such arguments are self and class seeking and serving. The latest attempt to discuss the national question via the forth coming president Jonathan conference may prove professional skeptic wrong on whether southern and middle-belt delegates would defend the position consistently in the face of strong core northern un-bending positions and agenda to create a new Memorandum of Understanding after a hundred years of one Nigeria unity lie, beyond the floor of the national conference for a radical resolution of the Nigerian national question. These hypocritical southern and middle-belt Nigerians has been parts of all that are wrong with Nigeria, because some of their people in the past and some are still doing now, collaborated and still collaborating with those who brought the lives of their respective peoples and Nigeria to its current killing and poverty stage, to maintain the one Nigeria evil edifice. The irony of a hypocritical displays of both southern and middle-politicians in fake one Nigeria, is like a mystery of life that a handsome or beautiful face can cover a crooked life and it is a dangerous thing to be issuing curses on the others in the openly but in the secret, they are serving their respective purposes on the same page. This are some of the factors that has continue to hinder the emancipatory agitation of southern and middle genuine agitation for their respective collective freedom from a country design within the concept and practice of feudal and aristocratic sovereign internal colonization. The most dangerous people are those who do not agree with the overbearing dominance of the Hausa-Fulani control of all the sovereign and institutional and structural framework of a Nigeria as consciously designed for them by their foreign partner, the British, who configured the country to the absolute advantage of the core north for the above internal colonizers as their private property. Yet the south and the middle-belt who do not agree with the above arrangement are too cowardly to even let their oppressors knows that they disagree with this inglorious internal slavery, by putting a final stop to it continuation. This is what has been the southern and middle-belt dilemma with the Nigerian concept since 1914 till date, but could not take a stand or act like Gideon Okar and his co-southern and middle-belt revolutionaries. The result today is the unending genocide in the middle-belt, and If Okar can take a stand, why not we? The national conference is offering us the opportunity to re-make our history, without minding, whose interests is going to be affected, the end result must be, the eventual freedom of the oppressed. Among the growing elites from both the south and the middle-belt, especially the political class, they knew that the one Nigeria mantra is a lie, yet they played along. It is sad that God visits the various Ethnic nations within the south and the middle-belt with the intention to set them free and distributes peace and development to the service of their respective freedom but, he goes back with 80% of these goodies because of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy comes from being our being more concerned about how good and accommodating we appear before other people when we do not replicate that to our own, in naked face of gross comprehendible and obvious contradictions. To all Nigerian Ethnic nations, both macro micros, hypocrisy means, being deceitful. It comes from the Latin word that means acting that is, you are playacting. This is what the above human elements have been doing among themselves for a hundred years .Our hundred years as Nigerians and national unity is hypocritical. We are mainly shedding crocodile tears, when we believed Nigeria would be real tomorrow and We were ask to continue to pray in that regards. It is illusory .All what some Nigerians called national unity is double standard, dealings and corruption. Our so called united Nigeria cum hypocrisy is false profession. That is, Nigerians as they want to be identified as designed for them by the British, means they profess to be what they were never were or meant to be. This Nigerian unity cum hypocrisy is a huge fraud and perpetual joke. Millions of gullible citizens and self-privilege class has become victims of the unity lie and one Nigerian hypocritical sovereign boundary and those who were the major victims of these misfortunes had not read about the historical mis-construction of Nigeria, a country in which pains, agonies and deaths in daily occurrence is defined as personal sacrifices for nationhood by the few beneficiary of the unity failure and its internal contradictions, and also those who simply sees themselves as patriotic Nigeria paying lip service to all that is wrong with the Nigeria concept while continue to admonish the future victims to pray for the country. What the above implies is that when you see or read about these so called Nigerians or groups of Nigerians acting under various nomenclatures irrespective of their status, Ethnic background and positions in failed Nigeria, shouting most on top of their voices, one Nigeria! Nigerian unity is not negotiable! Nigeria is not a failed state! There is unity in our strength! Nigeria would never breakup! We need ourselves than we should break apart! Nigeria is the hope of the Blackman! Nigeria is the hope of the African continent! Unity in diversities! And many more verbal jingoism on the significance of Nigerian unity, simply hypocritical, yet some were talking about an election in 2015 that would never serve any meaningful purpose of resolve the one Nigeria lie once and for all. The simple interpretation of the above unity pontification and mere lips sloganeering is double standard and inconsistencies. Nigeria national hypocrisy called national unity is a vice of vices and rottenness to the care and moral destruction to those who profess the above lie. To the delegates from the south and the middle-belt to the national conference, do you not made your participation hypocritical, because some people holds the beliefs that your representations smell certain marks of hypocrisy and pro-status-quo. Even though, many of the people from the south and the middle-belt did not horridly dismiss the genuineness of the national conference, contrary to the view of the core-north, the current beneficiary of all that is wrong with Nigeria as presently constituted, that never wanted any conference in the first place, which they perceived could disrupt their neo-colonial hegemony over Nigeria, that the national conference is another hypocritical gatherings to share the national cake and dodged the process of addressing the national question, under the garb of ganging up against the core-north. That the conference is called to hoodwink certain elements from the south and the middle-belt to smuggled the Jonathan presidency into Aso-Rock via his re-election bid. That is, the above weapon is to give hope to the hopeless generation that a Nigerian not own by the core north alone can still embody the hope of a single sovereign banner that could keep their dreams and aspirations as real human-beings alive. Is this possible? This national conference must dare all dateable and assuming the life of own, to set our respective people free. If you are neither hot nor cold, you may lose out in the freedom benefits of your people that must come in various forms; Oduduwa Republic, Biafran Republic, Niger-delta federation, The Middle –Belt federation and the Islamic Republic of Arewa and the others. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Our people must wake up and prepare for their freedom. They must stop sleeping lazily and grumbling sheepishly about their situations in Nigeria where their oppressors hypocritically signed their freedom, liberty and humanity away. To the street, we all must go mobilizing in our millions of our people hungry for freedom and collectively saying, never again do we want to be called slaves, of a dead unity.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:39:05 +0000

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