SPEECH BY THE INSPECTOR GENERAL NATIONAL POLICE SERVICE MR.DAVID M. KIMAIYO, MGH, CBS, DURING THE INSPECTOR GENERAL’S FULL DRESS REHEARSAL PARADE AT KPC KIGANJO ON 1ST APRIL 2014 The Deputy inspector General Kenya Police Service, Grace Kaindi The Commandant Kenya Police College Kiganjo Mr. Peter Kavila S/DCP II Senior and Junior members of the College Staff Students of both Senior and Junior Training Wings Graduating Recruits Ladies and Gentlemen Today I am glad to be here and preside over this Full Dress Parade Rehearsal. I would like from the onset give my appreciation to all those who have made their contribution in molding these young men and women from ordinary members of the public to officers of the law. The performance that has been displayed today is a clear manifestation that a lot of effort, dedication and sacrifice were put forward during the entire period of fifteen months which has taken the recruits to be in this institution. I am very impressed by the performance and I would like to congratulate you for making it this far, and encourage you to work even harder as you fast approach the beginning of your careers as Police officers. I would like to confirm that the Chief Guest during your graduation will be none other than H.E The President and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of the Republic of our great Nation Kenya Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta EGH. You are privileged as this will be his first graduation ceremony to preside since he assumed the leadership of the presidency of our country and therefore it behoves you to put your best foot forward so that you can give a wonderful display like never before. The graduating students are the second detail to benefit from the expanded new training curriculum which was designed to take fifteen months. I wish to mention here that after a thorough audit of the curriculum, we have decided that the course content can be covered in nine months as was the case before and the remaining period be covered through mentoring in the field during the probationary period. This will enable us to recruit once every year in a deliberate move by the Government to increase the police numbers as the country grapples with the numerous security challenges that we face at the moment in various parts of the country. Police work is more than just another job. It is more of a calling and that is why more often than not you will be required to put in more man hours than ordinary Civil Servants. This is what we do every day and you are expected to gel in the system well. A lot is expected of you upon graduation and posting. It is very important for you to at all times bear in mind that the security of this country, its people and property is depended on your ability to discharge your duties as it has been taught to you by your instructors. The Government cannot achieve its economic growth projections without the security agencies of the country and particularly the National Police Service fulfilling its constitutional mandate to guarantee that security. It is upon this back ground that the Government has despite the hard economic times that we are in has come out with deliberate designs to improve police welfare, tools and equipment. For the first time in the history of this country, we have acquired quite a good number of vehicles through leasing so that the mobility of the service can be improved which is expected to translate in crime reduction. On the same breath police officers will begin to enjoy a comprehensive insurance cover from this coming July and therefore we have every reason to double our efforts in the performance of duties so that more resources can be provide to us amid other pressing needs that the Government has. As you graduate from this institution and go out to join your colleagues in the field, you are expected to utilize the powers and privileges vested on you by the constitution impartially and in the best interest of every citizen. You will be swearing to exercise your powers as a police officer impartially, and if you want to prosper in the service and in your private life then you must remain honest to the oath of office. Discipline defines an officer. In the recent past we have witnessed officers turning to commission of criminal activities in the search of quick illegal riches. Such officers have brought great embarrassment to the Service whenever they are found and displayed in the media. It should be clear to you that crime does not pay and the moment you decide to go against the oath that you will take before the country and God, you will not go far and once found we shall treat you as any other criminal. There is a career in the service and it’s upon you to harness your potential and you will never regret. Matters of career progression will depend on your performance which will periodically be assessed by your commanders. It is therefore of paramount importance that you remain focused so that you can lay a strong foundation for your advancement. We are leaving in an era of dangerous communicable diseases and therefore you must take care of your young lives, protect yourself against HIV/AIDS, excessive drinking and any indulgence that can sway your way and lose your direction in life. You are lucky to have been enlisted into National Police Service from among many other deserving and equally qualified Kenyans and must never lose sight of where you want take your life. Use your money wisely to improve your lives and those of your families. The Service is undertaking many reforms aimed at improving service delivery. As young officers I expect you to conduct yourselves in a professional manner that will earn you the respect of both your colleagues, the public and your commanders. It should go to all officers that no effort will be spared in ensuring that the Service commands respect. In this regard therefore, those that engage in unethical acts will only have themselves to blame. As I close my remarks, I wish to remind the grandaunts and everyone else that as officers of a disciplined service, our loyalty to the President and Commander-In-Chief is, and will always be unquestionable and as such no one is expected to politic and anything contrary is serious breach of discipline, anyone interested in such has the liberty to ship out and engage in full time politics. At this juncture, let me thank the Commandant and his staff for their selfless commitment in making this event a reality. The many hours you have spent with these young officers cannot go unnoticed, and therefore feel appreciated. Thank you and May God bless you. DAVID M. KIMAIYO, MGH, CBS. INSPECTOR GENERAL NATIONAL POLICE SERVICE
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:56:29 +0000

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