SPEECH PRESENTED BY CHIEF. ENGR. E.I.T. UJEGE FNSE,MFR, (PRESIDENT GENERAL MDZOUGH U TIV) DURING A PARLEY WITH ALL POLITICAL PARTIES CANDIDATES IN TIV LAND IN 2015. Ayatutu Ka Uno? Ka Se Ayatutu Ka Uno? Ka Se Ayatutu Ka Uno? Ka Se On behalf of the Executive Committee of Mdzough U Tiv, I with humility and honour, welcome all of you to this gathering, which is aimed at exchanging ideas on the forthcoming 2015 general elections. As you might have noticed on your invitation letters, we are members of the Executive Committee of Mdzough U Tiv. We were unanimously elected on the 30th September, 2014 and inaugurated on the 4th October, 2014 by the Begha U Tiv, His Royal Majesty, Orchivirigh Dr. Alfred Akawe Torkula CFR, the Chairman of Board of Trustee of the Association. One of the aims and objectives of the Association as contained in the Constitution of Mdzough U Tiv is to promote and provide a forum for unity, peace and harmony amongst the Tiv people. As a consequence of this, Members of the Executive Committee of Mdzough U Tiv have thought it necessary to invite you for this parley to advance and promote harmony which is necessary to achieve the Tiv agenda. It is to this end that after party primaries which you have become victorious, we have invited you here to congratulate you on your victories. These victories show that you are accepted and trusted by the Tiv Nation. These victories show that you have been found worthy by our people to lead them. These victories show that the Tiv Nation has placed their destiny in your hands. Mdzough U Tiv wants to appreciate the peaceful manner you and your various parties peacefully conducted the primary elections. As humans nothing is normally 100% executed, but we heard of no death and no serious fracas. This shows that you are good. It is also to this effect that we have invited you to appeal to you to keep up the good works and to ensure that the final election is conducted in a peaceful atmosphere as a game between brothers and sisters. You should play according to the rules. There should be no thuggery. Do not use our children to commit crime and kill one another. Let the election be free and fair. And let every vote count. The Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee of Mdzough U Tiv have asked me to appeal to you that whatever the outcome loss or win; you should shake hands with your fellow contestant and continue to be friends. Elections are not war or a do or die affair. They have also asked me to inform you to show good example to other Nigerians. Let other Nigerians come to copy democracy made in the Tiv nation. They have asked me to appeal to whoever wins the election as Governor to appoint at least one person from the opposing party into his cabinet to show brotherhood. They have asked me to appeal to you that no matter the outcome of the election, no person or party should go to court to waste the people’s hard earned money. Whoever loses should wait for another opportunity For the next four years after your elections the destiny of the Tiv Nation will be in your hands. Going through your various manifestoes and promises during electioneering, you promised the Tiv Nation a good time, eldorado, good schools, improved economy, etcetera etcetera. Each and every one of you has said the same thing. We look forward that you will abide by your promises. Mdzough U Tiv wants to encourage you to go ahead and bring a new dawn to our land. You cannot do that if you spend time fighting one another. You should each work and support one another. Those in the National Assembly should have a joint meeting and support the Governor. Those in the House of Assembly should likewise be their brother’s keeper in the spirit of Tiv Agenda. Support whoever becomes the Governor and support each other. Whichever political party you find yourself, strive to be on top and the best. It is what you achieve and bring to our people that matter. After all, all parties stand for the same thing (advancement of the society). The Tiv nation is facing enormous challenges, these challenges if not tackle urgently and effectively will over whelm us. On security, the Fulani invasion is partially contained, but it still poses a threat. Our brothers and sisters in Taraba, Nasarawa and other states are denied their rights as citizens of this country. The onus of facing the challenges falls on you. You must therefore be prepared. Let us learn to appreciate our own and render support and aid to one another. The Executive Committee has come up with 15 point agenda which we shall strive to achieve during our tenure. These include 1. Development of Tiv Agenda 2. Reconciliation amongst ourselves 3. Improvement of security 4. Improvement of education 5. Improvement of economy 6. Construction of Tor Tiv Palace 7. Rehabilitation of our National Secretariat 8. Tiv People in Diaspora 9. Sustaining the Association financially 10. Tiv Day celebration 11. Improvement of Tiv Image 12. Participation of Tiv people on national affairs 13. Improvement of Tiv settlement pattern (Sor Tema) 14. Protection of Tiv Traditional Institution 15. The role of Mdzough U Tiv in America, U.K and other countries. We have commenced implementing these through committees appointed by us. The only major challenge we are encountering is lack of funds. The educational system is facing a lot of stress. The teaching of science subjects in extremely low. There are no well-equipped laboratories. Even sports is none existence in some schools. Our economy depends on government employment and the private sector and Federal Government presence is minimal. Unemployment may be the highest in the country. Our children are not been adequately employed in the federal establishments or Armed forces. These and many more have made it imperative for us to remind you that you have a mountain of challenges to overcome and the time to do it is now. You have no time to waste. You can only do these if you stay together. Stop finding faults in another brother or sister because we are telling you that all Tiv people are good. The Governor is good. The Tor Tiv is good. All members of the legislature of Tiv origin are good. The Tiv farmer is good. The Chiefs are good. Indeed every Tiv person is good and excellent. The former Executive Committee has so far failed to handover and from what they seem to be saying is that they have no funds to handover. The secretariat here as you can see is vandalised. As I am speaking to you, all Tiv people believe Mdzough U Tiv is good and necessary. Unfortunately when you tell them to assist financially they keep quiet. No kobo has been donated to us by anybody since we resumed. The association is presently been funded by the grace of the President General. I want to inform you that there is provision in the Constitution for financial membership at the subscription rate of N1,000 per person per year. We are appealing to all Tiv sons and daughters to support this association morally and financially. Additionally, we are appealing to those of you that may be fortunate to win the election to use your good offices to support Mdzough U Tiv. Finally I wish to inform you that seated amongst you are top Tiv sons who have dedicated themselves to the service and work of God Almighty. We have intentionally invited them here for a word of advice to all of us. It is said in the bible and maybe Koran that a guard man guards the city for nothing unless God is with him. This is a new dawn and it must be dedicated to Almighty God whom we must ask to lead us along the path of Takuluku who found us. We have called these men of God to pray for us and to bless us. Also seated amongst you are the Uter (second-class Chiefs). We have invited them to bear witness to your joint undertaking to move the Tiv nation to greater heights. They are also to hear your promises and pledges to uphold the Tiv Agenda, to work in harmony and to be your brother’s keeper. Thank you for coming Thank you for listening and we pray that the Almighty God grant your heart desires in the forthcoming elections.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:08:08 +0000

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