SQ3R Studying More Effectively - TopicsExpress


SQ3R Studying More Effectively =============================== Learn how to use SQ3R to understand and retain written information. ================================ Nowadays, its easy to access new reading material. You can read on a smartphone, tablet, or e-book reader, and you can order traditional media such as books and magazines for next-day (or same-day) delivery. However, its not so easy to remember everything that youve read. SQ3R helps you do this. It helps you think about what you want to get from a document, study it in an appropriate level of detail, and remember information well. As such, it makes your reading both more efficient and more effective. In this article, well look at how to use SQ3R, and well see how you can make it a routine part of the way you learn. Overview Francis Pleasant Robinson developed SQ3R, and published it in his 1946 book, Effective Study. He created the technique for college students, but, even now, its suitable for learning in almost every situation, including at work. SQ3R is an acronym that stands for five steps that you should use when reading something that you want to remember. These five steps are: Survey. Question. Read. Recall. Review. By following these steps, you ensure that you spend your time reading the most appropriate document, you study the right parts of that document in the right level of detail, you integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge, and you fix information in your mind, so that you can remember it in the long term. Applying the Tool To use SQ3R, follow the five steps below. Step 1: Survey Start by skimming through the material youve identified, to decide if it will be useful and to get an overview of the topic. For example, if youve selected a book, scan the contents, introduction, chapter introductions, and chapter summaries to pick up an overview of the text. For a website, look at the breadcrumbs, which indicate the relative location of pages within the site. (If breadcrumbs are used, theyre usually at the top of the page.) Also use the menus or the site map to see where the article sits within the overall structure of the site. Then, look at typographical elements of the text, such as italics, bold words, subheadings, and boxed text. These often point to words or ideas that are important. Last, explore any images, maps, charts, or diagrams that are embedded in the text. Use these clues to decide whether this text will give you the information youre looking for. If it doesnt meet your needs, look for a different information source. Step 2: Question Now note down any questions that you may have about the subject. These could be the questions that led you to read it in the first place, or ones that you thought of during your survey. Also, think about what else you want to achieve from this reading. What do you need to find out from this material? What are you most interested in learning? And how will this information help you? When you question the material, you engage your mind and prepare it for learning. Youre far more likely to retain information when youre actively looking for it. Step 3: Read Now read the document, one section at a time. Make a note of anything that you dont understand – you can use these notes later on, when you explore related materials. You may find that this read-through takes more time than you expect, especially if the information is dense or complex. Keep yourself focused by turning every subheading or chapter title into a question that you must answer before you move on. For example, you could turn the subtitle, The Advantages of SQ3R into the question, What are the advantages of SQ3R? and run through the answer in your mind before you move onto the next part of the text. Tip: While youre reading, use Mind Maps® or Cornell Note Taking to take notes on important concepts, and to record your reactions to what youre reading. Alternatively (and if you own the document) you can read actively by underlining important passages or by using a highlighter pen to show key points. Step 4: Recall Once youve read the appropriate sections of the document, run through it in your mind several times. Identify the important points, and then work out how other information fits around them. Then, go back to your questions from Step 2, and try to answer them from memory. Only turn back to the text if youre unable to answer a question this way. Step 5: Review Once you can recall the information, you can start to review it. First, reread the document or your notes. This is especially important if you dont feel confident that youve understood all of the information. Then discuss the material with someone else – this is a highly effective method of reviewing information. Explain what you have just learned as comprehensively as you can, and do your best to put the information into a context thats meaningful for your team, organization, or industry. Finally, schedule regular reviews of the material to keep it fresh in your mind. Do this after a week, after a month, and after several months – this helps to embed the material into your long-term memory. Tip: If you dont have the chance to discuss your learning face to face, consider keeping a blog or creating fact sheets to outline what youve learned. Making SQ3R a Habit At first, SQ3R may feel time-consuming. However, the more you use it, the less youll have to think about the process. To turn this reading technique into a habit , use it each time you need to read something in detail. At first, allow extra time to get into the habit of using the five steps, and look for opportunities to discuss what youve learned with colleagues. Key Points SQ3R is five-step technique that you can use to learn more effectively, and to increase your retention of written information. It helps you to focus what you need from a document, and to create a clear structure for the information in your mind. SQ3Rs step are: Survey. Question. Read. Recall. Review. You can use SQ3R whether youre reading online or on paper. It can take extra time to follow the five steps at first, but youll find that if you make the effort, youll learn and retain significantly more. youtube/watch?v=UauVX_QPxk8
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:27:57 +0000

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