ST. THOMAS TRIP - LIFE LESSONS, MONEY TALK, and PRACTICAL HOW-TO TIPS Going to St. Thomas was one of the most wonderful adventures of my life. The idea was born in my mind, and 10 hours later I stepped on the beach in the beautiful Caribbean. I am so insanely excited to have manifested this opportunity and I am grateful to have been able to share it with you. SO... In this post, I want to share PRECISELY HOW I manifested it. This one’s a long one, so keep reading til the end! ==========> HERE’S HOW IT WENT DOWN… THURSDAY 8:00pm - Confirmed desire to be on beach 9:00pm - Identified possibility to go to St. Thomas 9:30pm - Requested AirBnb rental 9:50pm - Booked round-trip tickets with Delta 11:00pm - Finished ideating FRIDAY 2:30am - Went to sleep (why so late, don’t ask) 5:30am - Grabbed taxi to JFK 6:15am - Checked in at airport 7:00am - Arrived at gate 8:30am - Departed from JFK 12:30pm - Landed in St. Thomas 1:00pm - Got ride into town from friend on plane 2:00pm - Shopped in Charlotte Amalie town 3:00pm - Got picked up to go to place 3:15pm - Stopped at health food store 4:00pm - Arrived at place - RELAX! SATURDAY 8:00am - Woke up 9:00am - Hopped on taxi to Red Hook ferry landing 10:00am - Got on ferry to St. John 10:30am - Began taxi tour around island 2:00pm - Got on ferry back to St. Thomas 3:00pm - Got ride back to place 4:00pm - Made early dinner, worked online & relax SUNDAY 9:00am - Woke up 10:00am - Went for swim down by rocks 12:00pm - Drove back to airport 3:00pm - Departed from STT 6:00pm - Landed at JFK 7:00pm - Back in Union Square! HIGHLIGHTS -Seeing the vista of the Virgin Islands from atop St. John’s -Swimming in the clear water at Cinnamon Bay -Relaxing on the deck overlooking Fortuna Bay -Meeting cool people on the plane and in town -Writing out new ideas and and taking pictures ==========> HOW MUCH DID IT COST? In this section, I want to be extremely transparent about money, because I know many people wonder about this. It is neither to gloat NOR to complain, and is merely there to give you an accurate idea if you could see this approach working for you too. Here’s the breakdown: *** Round-trip flight JFK-STT booked last minute - $500 If you plan a bit ahead (being compulsive is more fun!), you can probably get this on Delta for about $350. I also got the optional upgrade to Zone 1 for first boarding (both ways) which was $20. *** Two nights at AirBnb rental in Fortuna Bay - $280 Had full bed/bath, kitchen, private deck, private beach access, and pool on balcony. Graciously included transportation to/from town by host. Full privacy and peace. *** Day-long beach and nature excursion on St. John - $50 Ride on local taxi across island for ($2 each way), round-trip ferry tickets from St. Thomas ($7 each way), day-long group tour in open-air taxi around St. John ($25 + tip). Then, add your food, souvenirs, and personal expenses. ==========> WHERE’D YOU GET THE MONEY?” I paid for this trip with money I made in my web design and internet marketing business. I will be creating a video series VERY soon on how to make money online helping others with your area of expertise and passion, so my request of you: *** Comment down below “I’d watch the video training” if that sounds you’d want to learn how to do! ==========> ISN’T THAT A LOT OF MONEY? Financial abundance is important to me. I am unapologetic that it is one of the strongest commitments I’ve made to myself because of how much I value the experiences having it opens up access to. It’s about the quality of life experience made possible. Money makes things happen, BUT HERE’S THE THING - money alone is not enough. It adds speed to your manifesting, but YOU must too be resourceful. Just dropping $800 will not get you a great trip. You’ve got to map it out for yourself! The key is to be resourceful. Develop resourcefulness and the money comes. Ingenuity with resourcefulness is the result of a mind, heart, and spirit connected to your truest desires. As another option, you could do this ENTIRE weekend for under $500 if you book the flight in advance and keep to budget accommodations and meals. Or, save up a few extra hundred and up-level your experience! ==========> 7 THINGS I REAFFIRMED ON THIS TRIP: 1- Travel is so within grasp. Take the leap and go. 2- People are friendly and helpful, especially if you are. 3- Trust yourself, figure things out, and the universe guides you. 4- The more you travel, the easier it gets! Become seasoned. 5- Use resources effectively. AirBnB & Google Flights rock. 6- The ocean is necessary to my souls vitality. 7- I’m totally coming back - and soon!!! ==========> HOW TO MAKE TRAVEL HAPPEN Here are 3 specific action steps you can take right now to get closer to spontaneous travel if that is your goal: STEP 1: Get an EXACT 100% CLEAR PICTURE of what kind of trip you want to do. Why do you want it? Relaxation, culture, business? Pick a DATE ON THE CALENDAR and marry it. STEP 2: Research and find the place you want - and SET TARGET like a machine gun. Do not take your eyes off the prize. There will be time for more trips later. Right now, let’s do this one first! STEP 3: Use the interwebs. Google Flights. Look up places on AirBnb. Post on Facebook to see if anyone lives there, or has been there and can connect you. Now, all you need to do is make the bookings and hop on the plane/train/car. ==========> THE SECRET TO IT ALL… Travel is not the barrier - the mind is. Most of the steps people take are just all a mental game and are based on beliefs. The actual actions arent hard, just specific. It’s not clicking, “Reserve”, getting on a plane, or even entering a credit card number that people fear. It’s all the negative thoughts people are believing: “People will think I’m weird. I’ll be unsafe. I won’t know where to go. I could never do that.” etc. QUESTION THOSE STORIES. When you question them, you become free. Theres nothing stopping you, because you’ve dissolved every thought that would stop you in your tracks before you take the step. Here’s some thoughts to consider instead: -None of your stressful thoughts are even true. -Even in the worst case scenario, you’d still be okay. -Fear is not a necessary motivator in order for you to act. -You’ll take care of it and figure it out just like you always have. -People are compassionate and will help you if you need it. Work with your mind and closely and all limits fall away. ==========> HERES HOW I LOOK AT IT... You’re here, you’re alive - so go use your life to discover beauty and truth. Every day I am overcome by a deep love for this world, a deep gratitude for my life, and a deep commitment to continue growing. I hope these tips were helpful to you. Please feel to post your questions down below, I’d love to answer them. Thank you for joining me on the journey and I look forward to seeing your travels in the feed!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:19:23 +0000

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