STATEMENT OF FAITH 1. The Holy Scriptures We believe the Bible, - TopicsExpress


STATEMENT OF FAITH 1. The Holy Scriptures We believe the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, composed of Old and New Testaments, to be the verbally inspired Word of God, the final authority in all matters of faith, conduct and practice , without error in the original writings, infallible, and God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Matthew 5:18; 2 Peter 1:20-21; John 16:12, 13). 2. The Eternal Godhead We believe there is only one true God. He exists eternally as three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — each fully God yet each personally distinct from the other (I John 5:7 (KJV); Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14) 3. The Fall of Man We believe that everyone, regardless of race, gender, social class, or intellectual ability, is created in God’s image and for communion with God. But because of sin, that communion was broken and all of humanity was separated from God, the source of all life. Because of the fall, everyone dies and deserves God’s judgment (Romans 3:23; 5:12; 6:23). 4. The Plan of Redemption We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and God gives salvation and eternal life to those who trust in him. Salvation cannot be earned through personal goodness or human effort. It is a gift that is received by repentance and faith in Christ and his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave ((John 3:16; 14:6; Romans 6:23) 5. Salvation by Grace through Faith We believe that salvation is only by grace through faith, not by our human works, and is a gift from God that is received by genuine repentance and wholehearted acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. We are justified before God through Christ (Ephesians 2:8; John 3:16). 6. The New Birth We believe that the new birth or born again experience is the best miracle one can ever receive in life toward eternity. If anyone is in Christ the change takes place from glory to glory. He is a new creation; the old is gone the new has come. He fears the Lord and does not practice or live in sin but all the more hates it (John 3:3,16; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Proverbs 8:13 and 1 John 3:9) 7. Water Baptism We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward work which takes place when one is born again in Christ Jesus by the Spirit of God. It is done to fulfill all righteousness and in obedience to the Lord’s command and as an example laid by Jesus Christ Himself for the believers to follow (Matthew 3:15-17; 28:19). 8. The Lord’s Supper We believe that the practice of the Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of Bread or the Holy Communion should be performed as often as possible to commemorate the life, death, resurrection and the soon coming of Christ Jesus. Its observance causes the believers to be more intimate with God (1 Corinthians 11:23-31). It also opens the door for the believers to experience God’s miracles upon their lives (Luke 9:16; Mark 8:1-21), to operate the gift of discernment and receive revelation from God for daily living (Luke 24:30-31), to establish a stronger fellowship among the believers (Acts 2:42,46), to be encouraged amidst challenges in life (Acts 27:35-36) and to experience God’s deliverance and salvation (Exodus 12:7-8,17; 1 Corinthians 11:25). 9. Baptism with the Holy Spirit & with Fire We believe that the Holy Spirit is God, the third Person of the Trinity, and dwells in every believer, and by His baptism work, which occurs at conversion, unites all believers to Christ in one Body (1 Corinthians 6:19; 12:13; John 14:16,17; 16:7-15). He, the indwelling One, gives the seal of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14; 2:22), and is the source of all power for effective service unto God (Acts 1:8; Matthew 12:28). Baptism with fire refers to the continuous work of the Holy Spirit to consecrate, set apart and purify the believers to live a pleasing, holy life and to offer acceptable worship unto God in spirit and in truth(Matthew 3:11, 1 Peter 1:15-16; Romans 12:1-2) 10. The Character Fruits and Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit We believe that the Holy Spirit has irrevocable gifts (Romans 11:29) to bestow upon the Christians, i.e. character (9 manifestations or fruits of character change per Galatians 5:22-23), and spiritual gifts as manifestations of a Spirit-filled life (9 manifestations of the power gifts of the Holy Spirit per 1 Corinthians 12:1-11) 11. The Five-Fold Ministry Gifts We believe that the functions of the five-fold ministry or ascension gifts of the Lord Jesus Christ are all equally important and needed in our church today in equipping the saints for service and in building up of the Body of Christ towards maturity, attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ and guarding our faith from erroneous teachings. Any of the five-fold ministers, regardless of gender, age, educational attainment, can be licensed or ordained as minister or bishop provided that he/she subscribes to this Statement of Faith and passes the biblical standards for ordination (Ephesians 4:11-14; 2:20; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; 2 Timothy 2:15; Titus 1:5-9). 12. Fervency in the Lord’s Service We believe that serving the Lord requires fervency in spirit as God hates half-hearted and complacent service (Romans 12:11; 1 Corinthians 16:15; Revelations 3:15). 13. Divine Healing We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the sick and considered as one of the signs that follows upon preaching of the Gospel. It is administered by the Holy Spirit in answer to the prayer of faith and for a divine purpose. (James 5:14-16; Mark 16:15-20). 14. Inner Healing and Deliverance We believe that every born-again child of God must be engaged in spiritual warfare, inner healing and deliverance ministries of the Holy Spirit as exemplified by Christ Jesus and the early disciples in the book of Acts for effective soul winning (Luke 4:18-19; Mark 16:15-20). 15. The Second Coming of Christ We believe that the second coming of Christ is both personal and imminent (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) and will be characterized by two main events. (a) The invisible rapture of the Church to meet Christ in the air, i.e. the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the change of the faithful still living (1 John 3:2, 1 Corinthians 15:52-57, Philippians 2:16, 3:20-21, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 5:23; 1 Peter 5:4, 1 Corinthians 3:14, 9:24-25, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 2 Timothy 4:7-8). ); and (b) The visible coming of Jesus Christ in power and glory in the Day of the Lord (Matthew 24:27, 25:31, 26:64, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Revelation 1:7, 19:11). This, the open, visible coming of Christ, will be marked by justice on humankind, after that will ensue the millennial kingdom (Rev. 20:1-6). After the thousand years, will the unrighteous resurrect. They will appear before the White Throne for justice (Rev. 20:11-15). Then will come eternity. The righteous will enter eternal bliss, but the unrighteous, together with Satan, the Beast, the False Prophet, the fallen angles and demons will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternal torture (Matthew 25:46, John 5:29, Revelation 20:11-15, 21:7-8). 16. Evangelism, Discipleship and the Great Commission We believe that the end-time task of the Church is to fulfill the Great Commission through evangelism, discipleship and missions, particularly cross-cultural missions, with signs, wonders and miracles following (Matthew 24:14; 28:19; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-20). 17. Tithes and Offerings We believe that the method ordained by God for support and spread of His cause is by giving of tithes and free-will offerings, firstfruits offerings, donations, voluntary contributions, bequests and love gifts, as an expression of love and thanks to God of members and sympathizers of the church (Malachi 3:10; Proverbs 3:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7, 12).
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:08:31 +0000

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