STAY CONNECTED (Wisdom for the day - Dr. Mike Okonkwo) Abide - TopicsExpress


STAY CONNECTED (Wisdom for the day - Dr. Mike Okonkwo) Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4 (KJV) A few days ago, I said to you that you are connected. But today, I have come to challenge you to stay connected. Charles Darwin, the proponent of the theory of evolution was a graduate of a Bible Seminary, yet he ended up an atheist. Think about it. Who would have believed that a product of a theological college would propagate a theory that says that man evolved from apes and monkeys? Whatever happened to Charles must have been a product of the books he read, the places he went and/or the people he associated with. What materials are you reading? Which places do you go to? Who are your friends? Today, I see a lot of so called motivational books that appeal only to the mind and have nothing to offer to your Spirit man. Be careful what you read. Christianity is not about refurbishing; it is regeneration. When you gave your life to Christ, God did not repair you. No. You became a new man. That is why Apostle Paul said If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation 2 Cor. 5:17. However, like the branch of a tree, in order for you to stay alive and fresh, you must stay connected to the source. Christianity is not a 100m dash. For a branch to keep bearing fruits, it must stay connected to its source. When an electric iron is disconnected from the power supply, no matter how hot it was, it will become cold after some time. Child of God, dont be deceived, the theory, once saved, always saved, is a lie from the pit of hell. God expects you to stay saved by staying in tune with the Spirit of God through the word of God. Every day brings us closer to the day of the Lord; you cannot afford to live your life in just any manner. I therefore charge you to stay connected to God, He is your source. Further Reading: John 15:1-16 Daily Bible Reading; Morning Jeremiah 1-2, Evening 1 Timothy 3
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:48:07 +0000

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