STAY IN THE SHIP By Elder Nate Nighthawk Lollis & minister Amy - TopicsExpress


STAY IN THE SHIP By Elder Nate Nighthawk Lollis & minister Amy Moragn Grace and peace be upon you who are the redeemed of The Lord Jesus Christ, from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. And it came to pass [came into being BY GODS DESIGN] that Id read a post from my sister Amy Morgan earlier. And God in His mercy and wisdom gave me a message to share with the family and body of Christ. GOD IS AWESOME, family! Isnt He? He always knows what we need even before we know what we need! And He delivers! Whether it be in the form of deliverance from something, or the deliverance of provision to us in our individual or corporate need. Amen Lets pray. Father God, we come before Your throne, bowing and humbling ourselves, asking, Father, that You would forgive us our sins and trespasses: obviously, not because of any good or righteousnesses of our own... have have NONE!; but because of the sacrifice of Your Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because He who knew no sin became sin and suffered Your righteous wrath against sin; that we might be spared death and eternal damnation, and that we would be adopted into the kingdom of God by faith in Jesus Christ and His work to destroy the works of the devil. So we ask You, O God, to remove our transgressions from us, as far as the east is from the west; and see in us and on us the cleansing and saving blood of Your Son Jesus by faith, and receive our praise, thanksgiving, and our worship. For if it had not been for Your grace and mercy through Christ, we would be destined for eternity without You, Lord God. So we thank You. We bless Your holy name. And we worship Only You, who is our Creator and our God. Lord, settle this Word of Life into the hearts, minds and souls of we Your people. Let this Word SPRING UP in the hearts of Your people as a tree of life, O God. May the Word of The Lord LIFT every heart and spirit! May the Word of The Lord ENCOURAGE every heart and spirit! Let Your Word TAKE ROOT in us, O God. That we might be the trees of righteousness, the planting of The Lord; that You might be glorified in us, through us, and by us. Touch this mind, Lord. Calm this spirit, Father. Take this mind and this spirit, and speak through me, Lord. Use my vessel for the building up of Your people, and the glory of Your name. Send the anointing, O God. The anointing that is the power that can break every yoke and every chain. And break up! Crack up! Mash up! Every heart of stone, by the power of Your Word, God. Do a new thing in Zion today. Do a new thing in Your people TODAY, Lord. And we will forever give You ALL the glory and ALL the praise; because it ALL belongs to You. Bless this Word now, God. Let it be an encouragement to Your people; a clear and clarion alarm for sinners; an impenetrable wall upon which the devil will continually bruise his head, and a declaration of GLORY TO YOUR NAME! HALLELUJAH!!! In Jesus name. Amen Well, family, Im not sure what translation sister Amy used. But Im using [as is my custom] the KJV because it retains the meaning and power of the original Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek languages. Let us begin. Then [after theyd tested their distance from land] fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day. And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship, Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye CANNOT be saved - Acts 27:29-31 Huh... You cant just step a foot in Jesus. You cant come for a day or week or month or year. You CANNOT just come into the church of Christ and leave, and expect that this is all it takes to lay claim to being saved. You gotta COMMIT FOR LIFE! Not a day out of your life. Not a year out of your life. But YOUR LIFE! Jesus IS the ship and The CAPTAIN of the ship also. Therefore, if youre not INTIMATELY familiar with Jesus [The Captain of The Ship], and COMPLETELY trusting of Jesus seaworthiness [His ABILITY and POWER to KEEP YOU AFLOAT as The Ship; YOU ARE NOT, CANNOT and WILL NOT BE SAVED (or rescued)!!! PERIOD!!! Doesnt matter how Gail force the winds become. Doesnt matter how big the swells get. Doesnt matter how high the tempest, nor how driving the rain. And it doesnt even matter how much water the ship takes on!!!! It might look [appear (-to be), seem] like your life is hopeless! It might SEEM as though everything is falling apart under your feet! It might APPEAR that your going to go under, never to rise up again! It might LOOK LIKE youre going to crash and break apart on the rocks!!!! And everything in your flesh and in your carnal mind is telling you, Your only hope to survive this is to JUMP FROM THE SHIP!!! And everything in and of the world is telling you, Theres NO WAY youll survive if you stay in the ship!!! And the devil is talking to you, saying, Im telling you, you wont survive this, YOU FOOL! Youre going aground! And youre gonna be smashed upon the rocks! And YOURE GOING TO DIE!! Whats your Jesus gonna do then! BUT... If you leave the ship you will SURELY PERISH! The BIBLE says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made BY HIM; and without Him was not anything made that was made. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth. - John 1:1-3,14 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon [to have influence over; to exert power over; impact; control, sway, hold, power, authority, mastery, domination, supremacy; guidance, direction; pressure, etc.] the face of the waters. - Gen. 1:1,2 Now, Im still talking about Jesus the Captain of the ship; the Builder (Creator) of the ship, and Jesus The Ship (or the Ark of safety), holy family. If Jesus is the (Living) Word; and if the Word was with God and the Word was God: then the Word was, is and will ALWAYS BE God! And, whether you believe it or you dont believe it, GOD IS the Creator of ALL things. Including the wild, crazy and untamed deep or oceans or seas or waters! Yet the BIBLE SAYS, The Spirit of God MOVED UPON [to exercise rule or supremacy over] the face of the waters. - Gen. 1:2(c) I want yall to be encouraged, family because GOD IS IN CONTROL! And though your situation says, Youre gonna die! Though your carnal mind says, Im gonna die! Though the devil says, Youre already dead. You just dont know it yet! YOU ARE ON THE SIDE OF CHRIST so long as you STAY IN CHRIST! So long as you STAY IN THE SHIP! So, your situation is A LIAR! Your carnal mind is A LIAR! And, of course, the devil is A LIAR AND MURDERER AND THE FATHER OF IT! I want you all to know and understand that water has two symbolic meanings in the Bible. Water is symbolic of the Word of God, by which (if we believe) we are cleansed (Eph. 5:26); and water is symbolic of mankind, the world and the inherent troubles of sinful man (Ps. 18:16-21). STAY IN THE SHIP, beloved of The Lord. So, if we [the believing community; the Christian community] believe that Jesus is The Savior... The Rescuer... The Only One who SNATCHES us from the wild and untamed currents and tempests of sin; do we not also believe that He CAN and WILL keep us from crashing into the rocks of life!!? Do we not also believe that He will preserve us alive in the face of certain death (Jer. 49:11)!!!? To answer that question the prophet Jeremiah said CLEARLY (speaking FOR The Lord!), Leave thy fatherless children, I WILL PRESERVE THEM ALIVE; and let thy widows trust in Me. - Jer. 49:11 STAY IN THE SHIP, family! Regardless as to how things may appear. Regardless as to how things may look. And remember, WE WALK BY FAITH, AND NOT BY SIGHT. - 2 Cor. 5:7 Be encouraged, SELF! Be encouraged, family! For Though He slay me, YET [still] will I trust in Him: - Job 13:15(a). God aint trying to kill you! God is making you STRONGER! And strength requires exercise! And exercise requires resistance! The wind and waves, the buffeting and pounding, the rocking and bucking, the flood and tempest are all designed to MAKE YOU STRONG in your faith! STAY IN THE SHIP, family! REMAIN STEADFAST IN JESUS, AND THE WORD OF GOD! God IS our refuge; and we are safe IN Him (Ps. 9:9; 14:6; 46:1,7,11; 59:16; 62:7,8; 71:7; 91:2,9; 94:22; 142:5; Prov. 14:26; Isa. 4:6; 25:4; Jer. 16:19). And Ill close with this encouraging Word: Wherein GOD, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise (thats us!) the immutability [unchangeable; without negotiation] of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable [unchangeable] things, in which it was [IS] impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, WHO HAVE FLED FOR REFUGE to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have AS AN ANCHOR (WOW!! JESUS IS THE ANCHOR, TOO!!!) of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even JESUS, made an High Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. - Hebrews 6:17-20 I love yall, family. And its no euphemism when I say, Hey, were all in the same boat! 😄 God bless yall. Oh! Please, take the time to read through the scripture references. PLEASE. They will ENCOURAGE your heart, soul and spirit, family. PLEASE do that. As always, I AM your humble servant, in HIS service, Elder Nate Nighthawk Lollis
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:03:10 +0000

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