STOP! Before you read any further, grab a piece of paper and - TopicsExpress


STOP! Before you read any further, grab a piece of paper and write down the definition of anarchism. I consider myself a half-assed educated person and two years ago I could not have answered it correctly and I studied political science! What we know is much like what we believe about religion! We accept everything by faith, by what we are told and read in school or on the nightly news being broadcast on television. We are told the book is true and therefore whatever the books says is absolute. We are told the government is like the book and therefore whatever it says is absolutely true. They would never lie to us. They represent We the People. We question little and accept much! Ask the average American citizen to define the terms we hear almost everyday and few can answer, including those in college and those who have degrees hanging on their office walls to attest intelligence. For many it means no such thing, little more than a testament that they survived four or even eight years in a institution of higher learning. Dont believe me? Ask 100 people to define the terms communist, socialist and anarchist! I would be shocked if 10 people could give the correct answers. But be sure to do your research before beginning this little inquiry! Americans are among the least educated people in the world. We are so arrogant as to believe that we not only have the responsibility but also the duty to dictate how the people of the world should live and what they should believe. We are a lazy people, seeking every way possible not to expend energy and that includes the energy required to think We read less than in the past, less than other countries, we know more about the Housewives of Orange County than our neighbors and what we know about the world in which we live comes from propaganda sources we accept without question. We have been fed so many myths and outright lies from our youth up that we now accept every lie our government spews without question, without thought. We march across the world under our American Empire banners and most have not yet understand that we are an Empire. Many think we are a democracy! We marched into South America and engaged in wars in the 19th century because of lies, we marched and destroyed in the 20 century believing lies and now open the dawn of the 21st century in war because of lies! We accept. We do not question. We know little about our history as a nation, the real history that is, and therefore little about our future. We need only know when the mall opens and be able to locate all the Wal-Mart stores in any given city! Albert
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 12:47:59 +0000

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