STORIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD THAT ARE NOT TOLD , 10 The last part. MUHAMMAD FELT PITY FOR MECCANS AND DID NOT PERFORM ANY MIRACLE !! Al Maalem, an Arabian writer, recorded that some of Muhammad’s disciples at one time joined with the Pagan multitude in their demand for miracles, and besought him to prove at once the divinity of his mission by turning the hill of Safa into gold. Being thus closely urged, he took to prayer; and after finishing it, assured his followers as well his opponents that the angel Gabriel had appeared to him, and informed him that should Allah grant his prayer and work the desired miracle, all those who disbelieved would be exterminated. In pity to the multitude, he implored Allah not to cause the miracle, thus permitting the hill of Safa to maintain its pristine state. He continued to insist that the Quran was his miracle and that beyond it; he had no power to perform additional miracles to satisfy their incredulity. SECOND PHYSICAL ABUSE BY UMAR IB KHATTAB ( SECOND KHALIFAH ) . Omar ( Umar ) was looking for the names of those who had become muslim . The informant gave Omar the names of his sister Amina and her husband Said. Omar changed his course and hastened to his sister’s dwelling. Entering it abruptly, it is said, he found his sister and her husband reading the Quran. Said attempted to conceal it, but his confusion convinced Omar of the truth of the accusation and heightened his fury. In his rage, he struck Said to the ground, placed his foot upon his chest, and would have plunged his sword into his heart had his sister not interposed. In his anger, he gave her a blow, which had her face bathed in blood. “Enemy of Allah!” sobbed Amina; “dost thou strike me thus for believing in the only true Allah? In spite of thee and thy violence, I will preserve the true faith. “Yes,” she added with fervor, “there is no allah but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet; and now, Omar, finish thy work!” Omar paused and took his foot away from Said’s chest. “Show me the writing,” said he. When the parchment containing the twentieth Sura or chapter of the Quran was given to him, he read it, and it sank into his heart. Moved greatly, especially by the parts, which dealt with resurrection and judgment, he decided to embrace the religion of Islam without any further delay. This part ( about the reason that Umar becam a muslims ) is a cheap lie concocted by muslim historians because : The story about Amina and Said reading the Quran from a parchment is a later-day concoction. In fact, during the time Muhammad was preaching Islam, the Arabs did not know that parchment, or papyrus, existed even in Egypt, where the Egyptians are known to have extensively used it for preserving their writings.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 10:28:52 +0000

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