STORY LINE SUBMISSION TO INVOLVE ALMOST ALL CHARACTERS ON DHVS. We would like to start it this week. ( 10/7) So that it will time out to the week before Christmas. If it starts later, we can double up on the week’s posts. By Cael, Xedrix, Zarek and Amaranda BASIC PREMISE: Daimons are working with some demons and taking children with special powers. i.e. demi-gods, were’s and human children with special abilities. They disappear and no bodies found. (Indicating that daimons are not just feeding from them.) From what little information has been gathered so far, their goal is to find a way to tap the children’s powers to defeat the Dark Hunters. We strongly suspect there is an unknown facility where they are experimenting. We don’t yet know why the demons are helping the daimons. It is revealed as the story goes. This SL will be a background story that all players could tap in to with certain situations listed below. Feel free to add things if you want to use it for a post but the main sl situations must remain. Were’s, DH’s, Hellchasers, Squires, gods, etc. It will run for a while and resolve in December so everyone can have a happy Christmas/Holiday season. (Some of this has started already with Cael, Xedrix, Amaranda and Zarek) WHAT HAS HAPPENED SO FAR: In June, Xed’s daughter was taken. He found her and Savitar showed up to help get her back. Xed tortured some for information and found the basic information above. More children have since been taken and Cael helped Xed trying to gather more information. Amaranda was pulled in and they talked with Savitar who said he will talk with Ash and inform the Dark Hunters of the situation. Xed talked with Zarek so he is aware of this. Zarek also got some information from two daimons that something is afoot. THE REASON THEY ARE DOING THIS: Why would the daimons need the kids when they can tap a Gallu and become a daywalker? Well, Gallu’s are becoming scarce and many are in hiding due to Stryker’s campaign. A rogue group of daimons are looking for an alternate source to enhance their strength and abilities to defeat the DH AND to usurp Stryker’s power. So they hope to somehow tap the special abilities of the children. Why would the demons help the daimons? The masterminds are the Gallu. They want nothing more than to stop Stryker’s campaign against them. They are employing lesser demons that feed off misery and fear to do the capturing and help in the experiments. PROPOSED CONTINUED STORY FOR THOSE INTERESTED: Timeframes are tentative but need to be done and in order. Miscellaneous posts about the sl can be done at anytime by anyone if you want, but keep true to what has already been revealed. 1.( WEEK 1)Brynna has a cryptic dream about were’s in danger. She struggles as to who she can go to, so she can interpret it. (Delphine?) She ends up talking with Ash to relay what she has seen even though it is cryptic. He should have already had a conversation with Savitar so he knows that children are being targeted, but at that point no one knew how widespread it was. Ash goes to Samia and Zarek and fills them in and gives instructions to report anything they see. Mentions that he informs the other DH’s. 2. (WEEK 2)A secluded bear clan comes to Sanctuary and talks to Cherif about a two children with special abilities (healing/esp) that have been taken and ask for help to protect the other children and to find these two. Several in the Sanctuary group go to investigate (Cherif, Colt, Fang?, Quinn? Samia? They too sense that it was demons and daimons from the scent and they contact Savitar to inform him of what they found and if Samia involved, she tells Ash.) 3.5:(STILL WEEK 2) Medea and Davyn are out and see a formerly high-ranking daimon that has been missing. They fight and torture to find out that he is working with a group stealing the children. He does not give much away except that Stryker’s days are numbered. This leads them on a mission of their own that will run parallel to what is going on in the other posts. (Just don’t reveal too much about the grand plan of theirs until later in the sl. See below) 3.(WEEK 3) Zeke and Ravenna come upon some demons trying to steal a child. They can show up front that the child has special powers (i.e. healing or premonition, etc.). They rescue the child but know something is going on by demon taunting them with “you can’t stop us and soon you will be powerless” or along those lines. Realize the demon is one that thrives off pain and fear. ( You can also post off and on again about rumors, odd feelings, etc.) Thorn’s Hellchasers are also running on demons that taunt about the power they will get soon and nothing will stop them. See an unusual amount of daimons with demons and see that in the “ether – other side” there is more furtive meetings and such. 4.(WEEK 4) A wolf child from Fang’s pack is taken or an attempt at being taken (Up to Fang if he wants it a kidnapping or they protect the child). After that, he talks to the Peltiers about extra precautions his pack is taking and to spread the word. Ash comes in and they talk to him about what is going on. Ash tells about the premonition by Brynna. 5. (WEEK 5) Brynna has another dream/vision where there are a lot of different kinds of children crying for help and she can describe very little on a location. She sees woods and a large building but mostly the children. She gets the sense that they are studying their “gifts”, taking blood, pushing their stamina. The kids are scared, hungry and very tired/weak. 5.5(WEEK 5) Davyn comes in to Sanctuary to talk with Urian on the things he has found out about rogue daimons. He says nothing about the threat to Stryker, only that he and Medea want this stopped. (causing havoc and needs to teach the rogues a lesson?.) 6. (WEEK 6)An attempt was made to take Ash’s child while Tori and Simi have them in NOLA. Ash isn’t there. It was thwarted. They battle and the kids get whisked to safety, Tori is injured but ok. Ash is beside himself over this and it sends everyone on high-alert. Ash calls a meeting and sends word through the DH community at a higher pace that no one’s child is safe. Samia gets more and more upset because it is children, due to her history. (All players can post about their fears and steps they are taking to protect their families as they want) 7. (WEEK 7)There is another attempt on the Charonte’s children while they are in a group. All the Charonte’s rush in and get involved in a battle and save the children. They up their security measures and console the children. They torture a captured demon or daimon and learn that they were just sent out to get kids with special abilities like telekinesis, etc. They were observing the kids and then picking out the kid, then deliver them at a meeting spot in nola and hand them over to a Gallu. This is new information regarding the Gallu and Xed immediately relays the information to Ash, Hellchasers and Sanctuary. 8. (WEEK 7)Xed goes to Sanctuary to make sure they know what is going on only to find out about the escalating were abductions. He then contacts Cael to fill him in, who then goes to Thorn. 8.5: (WEEK 7) Meanwhile – Medea and Davyn follow a rogue daimon and see him meeting with a Gallu. They capture the daimon and find out that the Gallu are the leaders in the operation. The daimons want to find a way to take down Stryker’s leadership. The daimon leader of the rogues wants that power. He doesn’t know the Gallu’s true reason for helping but suspect it is because of the campaign Stryker has against the Gallu. 9. (WEEK 8)All the main players set a meeting to discuss what is happening and make sure all information is shared. Ash/DH’s, Hellchasers/Thorn?, Charonte’s, Brynna. Xed shares that all the kids are either demi-gods and/or have a special ability such as telekinesis, esp, healing, etc. and that the Gallu are playing a major role in the abductions. Ash states that Squires are using their network to share any and all information found. Zeke states the demons appear to be lesser demons that thrive on fear and pain that are taking the kids but we still don’t know if Stryker is involved in this. Amaranda and Cael state that trackers and spies are being deployed and to agree with Zeke’s assessment. All decide that Ash will be the clearinghouse for all information so the Squires can set up a system for all to check and add information received. (Squires can add stuff or talk about things they are learning and putting on the website as they want.) 10.(WEEK Meanwhile, Zeke and Thorn’s Hellchasers run into various demons and hear things regarding the purpose of the abductions that they report to their leaders and any that may be affected. No real new information than what was learned at the group meeting. Only that they think the children’s powers will augment theirs so they will become powerful. Flash without a bolt-hole, etc. They also talk about the Gallu involvement and what that could mean. Main focus is now trying to get information on where the facility is. Information gathered from demons is that It is in the swamps outside NOLA with no road. It is large and brick and no windows. 11.(WEEK 9) Brynna’s fears are increasing due to nightly visions and the urgency they contain. See’s very vague attempts on a certain child but the child in question is not clear, she just knows it will be bad. ( Child is surrounded by white marble and she sees metal claws. Or something equally as vague to tie in Zarek’s child without anyone knowing that it is his child until it happens. Zarek can probably give you ideas.) 12. (WEEK 9)Amaranda’s spies and trackers return. They talk of the gallu being excited about the children, the number of daimons and demons in NOLA but no sign of them in the swamp areas. Then they inform Amaranda that they are following a group of Gallu who have been spotted with the rogue daimons. 13. (WEEK 9) Zarek is out on a patrol in NOLA. So is Medea (who is out tracking the rogues) He attacks her thinking she is behind all this. They fight and she tries to tell him she is not involved but he doesn’t believe her. At some point Urian comes and tells Zarek that she is telling the truth. She doesn’t reveal all she knows but lets him know that she is working on it from her end to stop it also. Zarek tells Ash what happened. 14.(WEEK 10) Zarek’s child is taken. And all hell breaks loose!!!!!!!!! (Zarek will post during this sl leading up to this point) Ash decides that they must call in Medea so that a coordinated effort can be made to end this and rescue the children. He and Ash hash that out but in the end she is contacted and asked. They compare information and determine where they think the facility may be located. She is told that trackers are now following some rogue daimons and gallu. Medea adds to the plan. 15. (WEEK 11)The trackers come back and let them know the location of the facility. Word is sent out and members from all groups get together, plan the attack. They then head out and take over the facility, rescue the children and rain hell upon the perpetrators.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:03:49 +0000

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