SUBCONSCIOUS FEARS RELATED TO SUCCESS? Ive been wondering why and - TopicsExpress


SUBCONSCIOUS FEARS RELATED TO SUCCESS? Ive been wondering why and how, freelancing as I do in various creative fields, there is always a tension of anxiety present in my life, and not much revenues for a lot of work. Talking to me friend Mike Rose about it yesterday, I decided to search the terms fear of success via Google. I found a lot or warmed-up content passed on between success-bloggers, but also some interestingly relevant articles. Many people loop around in a circle of unfulfilled aspirations. Always in motion, but not really expecting or building big things. And thats OK if thats what they can sustain well. But Im facing something different - tired of being Mr Potential and barely scraping by on an ongoing basis. There are inner giants I need facing, some hard truth to look at and address. And this article highlighted something I still have a hard time believing could be locking me away from being productive and prolific: fear of success connected to a misrepresentation of faith and humility. Every day I face this wall of screams, voices that oppress and divert my energies. I am getting keenly aware its not just a function of the ADHD condition I live with. Something else is activated. Do I carry an inner dynamic or witness thats sabotaging my leap forward? Im considering this possibility... QUOTE: 3 Subconscious Fears Related To Success That You Might Have and What To Do About Them 1. Fear of Appearing To Be Unspiritual “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” “Rich people are greedy.” “It is better to give than to receive.” These are little sayings that popped into my brain the minute I penned the words “Fear of appearing to be unspiritual.” I’m thinking this must obviously be one I’ve struggled with! Our relationship with money and spirituality has always been complicated. Actually, money is more like a symbol: a symbol for what we want, what we don’t want, what we get, what we can’t get, what we’d give away, what we’d hold on to tightly, what we’d do anything for, what we would never do. In short, money has a tightly woven and complicated relationship with our integrity. ‘Sell-out’, ‘over-ambitious’, ‘selfish’, ‘up-herself’ and ‘shallow’ are a few labels we have an avid fear of when we have an underlying fear of appearing to be unspiritual. [CLICK below to read full article]
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:25:32 +0000

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